Wednesday, March 27, 2019

It's Been A while

"It's been a while."

That seems like an understatement. Its only been 4 years since my last post. But who counting... right?!?!?!

Let's recap.

In July of 2015 I went back to school. Yessssss! This is an amazing thing right? Mom to 7 kiddos, wife, homemaker, gardener... student? Yes, I went back to college to achieve my goal of becoming a nurse. While at first it was super hard to adjust back to becoming a student it was even harder to do that and still run and maintain a home with so many children living in it and their own special issues. But I did it. I completed summer semester 2015, fall semester 2015, and spring semester 2016.

2016...I was now a certified nursing assistant. I start summer semester of 2016 but life hit the hardest rough patch I have, to this day, gone through. One thing lead to another and by fall semester 2016, specifically December, I was a single mom again with my kiddos.

2017... the year of rebuild. Throughout the 2017 year my kids and I built a new life for ourselves, still in northern MN. I quit school, truck died, bought a car, worked as full time as I could at our local hospital and stayed with good friends, lost a best friend all until...

2018.... We got a new apartment!! Small.. super small, but JUST right for the 3 of us! Freedom from the negative narcissistic world NEVER felt so good!! I started back in school summer semester 2018, ACED it... fall semester 2018... ACED it, offered a spot in a sorority. New position at work, with a raise. Fishing adventures with my best friends. Hiking along the North Shore. Nothing but adventures!!

2019... Here we are. Quit my hospital job, finishing my last semester of all prerequisite. Picked up one part time job and looking for another to get through summer and all our planned adventures. Officially accepted in the fall 2019 LPN program and I will graduate as a LPN in the spring of 2020. I will be a nurse! I am picking back up my blog (Oh, how I have missed posting new and fun things we have tried) to share our adventures and our new found ways of temporarily living the city life.

Amanda, Mom#2, Amama

Thanksgiving 2018

Ducking from a bat blocking Amanda and I from going in the house

Hiking with my, not so little anymore, Em

Yoga adventures... adding to them yearly

Fishing adventures... adding to the adventure yearly!

Floating the Mississippi

Road tripping

The oldest boy is now 20!!!

Now that we are all caught up enough... here's to more to come from Simply Always Me in 2019... cheers!

<3 T