Saturday, January 18, 2014

Homemade Potato Gnocchi!

So what do you do when you have a billion potatoes.. Make pounds and pounds of gnocchi!

In the joy of cooking cookbook, my wonderful sister in law found a recipe for gnocchi that Cousin Shana was wanting to learn to make. The first step is to bake 2 pounds of potatoes (in our case 15 pounds!!!). The wonderful hubby and and sister in law scrapped all the potatoe out of the skin. Carefully measuring out 2 2/3 cups of cooked potato, which we did mash before adding in 1 1/3 cup all purpose flour, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.

Next, after adjusting the amount of flour to make it the "right" consistency (kind of like playdoh, or a slightly crumbly dough). Flour your work area and grab a handful. Start to roll it out in to a log. 

You want to use a butter knife and try to cut it in to equal parts. Here you see, BIL, Jake uses the side of a fork.. You get the same result and dirty less dishes.. Right?!?!

Now, holding the fork flat to the cut piece, roll it slightly to slightly flatten and "score" the dough.

This is a sample of how some of ours turned out...

Now for the fun part.... Cooking the dough...

You want to cook the gnocchi floats in the water.. Then it's done!

Floating for 20 seconds.. Out to my plate and add a sauce! Yummy!

Recipe from the joy of cooking book:

Potato Gnocchi

2 pounds baking potatoes, cooked, scooped out, pushed through a ricer or sieve with the back of a spoon and divided into 2 2/3 cups
1 1/3 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Stir together vigorously, then turn out onto a work surface and knead until smooth and blended. Roll into a log about 3/4 inch wide, cut into pieces 3/4 inch long. Roll each piece against the tines of a fork while pressing a small dent into the opposite side with your finger.

To cook:
Bring salted water to a boil. Drop gnocchi into simmering water until they float, about 2 minutes. They should hold a firm shape and be chewy to the bite.

Now, for use we are freezing our for future meals... You know since we had a harvest of some houndreds of potatoes. However, we will hold out enough to have some made with homemade spaghetti sauce, tomorrow. Pictures will be updates.... Well tomorrow :)

<3 T

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