Thursday, July 10, 2014

No Bake Granola Bars

Well this seems to be the latest trend! Everytime I go looking for a good chewy granola recipe.. I get 1000's of no bake recipes! So, I finally broke down, gave in and decided to give it a try.. In the past however with no bale recipes, like rice crispy treats, I some how always have an issue! Let's get this granola party started!

I did what I always do, went to Pinterest in search of a good granola recipes.. After reading a few I finally "pinned" it down to:

This recipe had only 7 ingredients... One of which was flax, which I do not have so I added an extra 1/2 cup rice cereal (per the recipe). I also added about 1/2 cup each cashews and raisins.. Could be an issue.. Might make it better... An hour will tell!

I started with the dry ingredients: 1 cup rice cereal, 2 cups oats, 1/2 cup cashews... Tossed a bit with a wooden spoon...

Next, I added all the "wet" ingredients.. 1/4 cup white sugar (cause like always, I always fudge an ingredient! This time no brown sugar (which did you know is just white sugar and molasses?) so I subbed), 1/2 cup raw honey, 3/4 cup peanut butter (creamy, is what I had on hand) and 1 tsp (the recipe calls for 1/2 tsp) home vanilla raspberry extract :)...

I took the "wet" ingredients and heated them in the microwave (as the recipe called for) for 30 seconds at a time, stirring between each till they were well combined and not too hot (this step is where I think I messed up)..

Next, I poured the warm, well mixed wet ingredients over the top of the dry ingredients. I combined the best I could using the wooden spoon. I then poured it in to the pan I had lined with wax paper (yes, the recipe calls for aluminum foil) mixed a little more by hand.. The mix just seemed too dry like it would crumble even after it sits for an hour in the fridge...

The final look before going in the fridge! All mushed down the best I could.. Fingers crossed for the outcome...

Out of the pan and already I can see that there wasn't enough liquid.. Sigh the taste was great! Maybe add more peanut butter and honey to cover the cashews and raisin!! Must try again!!

Yumminess! Enjoy!

 <3 T

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