Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Roast Beef Pot Pie

I know, I know.. It's finally spring, But I couldn't help myself. A roast sounded good and when we had leftovers, Pot Pie sounded better! My only dilemma with this was, what do I use for a crust. I thought about a pie type crust super flaky. Then I thought about maybe using a pie crust on the bottom and biscuits on top. Then it hit me.. ummmm... Biscuits!! So, I wanted to make the entire crust out of biscuits. The search began to find a super simple biscuit recipe that included the ingredients I had.... Leading me too:

Flaky Buttermilk Biscuits!

You guessed right.. It's was the one recipe easy to follow (the wording on the directions that is) and I had juuust about all the ingredients.. Buttermilk, was missing it. But since I wanted to make this a savory biscuit, I did not want to put honey in it so what I changed was I used 1 whole cup of milk and added 1 tablespoon of vinegar (white).

All the dry ingredients.. Now I must stop here to say this.. I greatly apologize for the amount of pictures and the my camera, aka my new best friend, well the batteries are DEAD! I just have to go to the store and get some.. but that won't stop me spunk or need to share :)

Ok then I mixed the milk and vinegar together the slowly added it to the flour mix. After adding all the milk the dough was VERY sticky.. so I added a little bit of flour at a time until I could maneuver the dough with my hands with out being coated in doughy goo... ha ha! Then I took about 1/4 - 1/3 of the dough and set it a side. I rolled out the biggest portion of the dough into the best square I could then placed it in the bottom of my baking dish. NOTE: I did not spray the bottom of my pan before placing the dough in.. DO NOT DO THIS!! grease the bottom of you baking dish before adding the dough...

I now have my bottom crust done and my top rolled out and waiting. I took my left over roast and what juice the kids saved when putting dinner away (Love leftovers). I poured the juice into the bottom of a pot on the stove. Once it began to boil I added about 2 tbsp of flour til it was thick. Then added the meat which I had cut up into bite size pieces (sizes may very depending on the mouth that's cutting it..ha!). I had some leftover California medley veg (broccoli, cauliflower and carrots) and some frozen mixed veg (pea, corn, green beans and carrots)..

I did place this into the fridge to cool off. I was not sure what to do at this point, so I figured it was better to place cool/warm meat mix into a semi cool biscuit dough.. My mind said that made since.. hehehe! Whilst this wonderful creation that was marrying nicely in the fridge, I decided a dessert was a must! Peach Cobbler went into the works! NOTE: Epic fail on my end! I did not take a picture of the final put together Pot Pie! :(

Once the pie filling, I felt, was cool enough I spooned it into the dish. Next I took the top of the pie and placed it as squarely as I could and "rolled" and pinched the sides together. I then set it back in the fridge until my cobbler was completely done. I cooks this at 375° for about 35-45 minutes. Served way

I will say the kids had seconds and really enjoyed it. Very hearty way to use up a few leftovers!

Roast Beef Pot Pie:
Biscuit Dough found here:

1 1/2 cups cut roast beef
1/4 cup (maybe less) broth from roast, or beef broth
2 cups of pre-cooked or frozen veg
2 tbsp flour

Roll out about 3/4 of your biscuit dough and place in the bottom of you greased baking dish. I used a square 8x8 dish. Pour your broth int a pot over medium heat. Once it boils add in flour a little at a time to just thicken the broth. once thick add in meat and cook for a few minutes. Last add in your veg. Let simmer until it looks like a very thick beef stew. Remove from heat, allow to cool. Was cool or hardly warm, add to the bottom crust. Take the rest of the dough and roll it out (this can be done while the filling is simmering or cooling) into a square and place over the top and roll and/or crimp the edges together. Cook in a 375° oven for 35-45 minutes or until the biscuit dough is cooked all the way through. Serve warm.

Try it for your self.. Like it, leave a comment... Don't like it, leave a comment.. Suggestions?!?! Leave a comment! :)

Go create your world!
<3 T

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