Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stuffed Bell Peppers

I wish I had some amazing tale to tell with this recipe, unfortunately there is not.. Just a normal family wanting normal food.. ha ha yeah right normal!! Well, I had a taste for stuffed peppers and Jeremy said it was one of his favorite meals.

Confession: Mom has always made them and I have had them other place but make them myself.. nope not this girl. So, I went based on the theory that this was basically meat loaf in a pepper.

Here goes my attempt....

Starting with 2 pounds of ground beef, big family here.. its an easy recipe so the amounts can be adjusted.. about 1 tsp of dried Oregano, Parsley and Basil, 1/2 tsp paprika, 1 tsp of salt and pepper.

OK, normally you would add in an egg, well like always I am continuously out of something... I used about 1/4ish of a cup of olive oil and 1/2 cup of Italian seasoned bread crumbs. Mixed together with my fingers (more like squished) the chopped up about 1/4 of a large yellow onion. Again mixed well...

Getting creative and stuff I took 4 Roma tomatoes sliced them up.. place one in the bottom of all the pepper (7 for my family)...

Next, scoop in your meat mix, filling it just shy of half way. Place another tomato slice on the meat mix then fill the rest up with meat mix...

Lastly, place one last slice of tomato on top of the last layer of meat mix, sprinkle mozzarella cheese and BACON bits on top! I know can't pass up an opportunity to add bacon to something :)

Hopefully you thought a head and pre heated your oven to 350°, once your oven is at temp place your fabulous peppers in the oven for 35-45 minutes.. until the meat in the middle is cooked and the peppers are of a "darker" green and wrinkly :) I just love my cooking terminology!

Ok, recipe time.. try and put this in to the "right" form.. he he

2lbs Ground Beef
1 Tsp Dried Oregano
1 Tsp Dried Parsley
1 Tsp Dried Basil
1/2 Tsp Paprika
1 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Pepper
1/4 cup Olive Oil
1/2 cup Italian Bread crumbs
7 Bell Pepper, top cut off and center cleaned out
4 Roma tomatoes
1/2 cup Mozzarella Cheese
2 Tbsp Bacon bits

Pre-heat oven to 350°Mix the meat, seasonings, olive oil and bread crumbs together very well. Tip: use your clean hand. In each pepper place a slice of tomato add in meat mix til you have reached half way up the pepper (amount will vary depending on the size of the pepper).  Place another tomato on top of the meat mix. Add more meat mix until it is barely to the top of the pepper. Lastly, place one last slice of tomato on top, sprinkle the cheese and bacon bits on each pepper. Place in pre-heated oven for about 35-45 minute (time may vary depending on the oven). Enjoy! :)

I hope you like this as much as my very picky eaters did!! No they didn't go back for seconds but at least the 6,5 and 4 yr olds each tried, and 2 of them really liked it!

Now its your turn get in your kitchen and create..

<3 T

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