Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DIY: Upcycled Sweater

So keeping with the original theme of my blog, I was looking for a new way to make over two sweaters I have but never wear cause they are frumpy/too big or just plain out of style. Well, frankly I am tired of the wasted space and since I don't have millions to go out and by the latest fad.. I decided to come up with my own! 

I started with the first swear I found, a red one. After perusing Pinterest looking for inspiration and ideas.. I decided I would just go at it and see what happens...

I decided I would do an off center diagonal cut on the sweater.

Then with an embroidery needle I folded the cut part in by maybe 1/4 of an inch and hand sewed it down using some what of a back stitch.

Lastly, I started from the front and pushed part of the ribbon through the weaving of the sweater, folded the end and sewed it down by sewing it to the front. Repeated on the other side for a cute ribbon tie! This looks cute with a grey or white top underneath!

Enjoy! BUT go find your creative edge!! 

<3 T 

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