Thursday, October 16, 2014

Roasted Kholrabi

This past spring we planted Kholrabi. Now, most of you know by now I grew up in the city... The out skirts of Atlanta, the city. Being from the city we didn't have a garden in middle suburbia. Ok.. OK we did have a tiny garden but it had tomatoes and jalapeƱos... Therefore I am thrown into this whole country living stuff! With ALL that being said, things get planted in the garden that either I have never heard of before or have never cooked with before. So I am constantly on Pinterest attempting to find a way to cook veg or can it for later. 

Kholrabi was my challenge. While I did figure we could eat it raw with some sort of dip, and that was good... I wanted to do something else. I saw few things on Pinterest: pickling, mashed (like potatoes or cauliflower) and roasted. This time I went the roasting route. 

So I started with the raw fresh from the garden picked Kholrabi. Using a sharp knife I cut the tops and bottoms off, then set it flat and cut the tough outside "skin" off with my knife.

Next, I cut the Kholrabi in half the sliced. For my super large family I used about 12 medium/small Kholrabis. And yes I mean super large.. We are currently feeding 7 and it will then go up to 9 here shortly as we are hoping to take on two more kiddos! Well, what's two more?! 

Next, I gathered what seasonings I want/have and the olive oil. I would have normally used pepper, but like my usual self I am lacking some ingredient... Here is what I used for this supper: 2 tsp fresh (dried) oregano, 1 tsp fresh (dried) Rosemary (which I chopped up smaller), 1/2 tsp paprika, 1 tsp salt and about 2 tbsp olive oil. 

Mix it all together. Hopefully you have read this before starting to cook.. If not no biggie, set your bowl aside and preheat your oven to 350* degrees and let everything marry while the oven gets toasty. Once the oven is toasty and ready to go.. Spread your Kholrabi out on a non greased cookie sheet in a single layer and cook in the oven for about 20 minutes, or until they get golden especially around the edges.

And here is my outcome! Totally delish! The kids, which we have a lot, said it was so good! They are my biggest critics and it can be a challenge to get them to try new things. At least I can say this! They are well fed with homegrown and homemade yumminess! And THAT is success!!

Dinner is served!! Roasted Kholrabi, white rice and pork chops in a homemade mushroom sauce! (Check out the Pork chops in homemade mushroom sauce!)

Hope you feel inspired to cook something yummy tonight...

<3 T

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