Monday, January 19, 2015

Strawberry lime Butter Cream Frosting

It must be the time of the year! Every year about this time I am so inspired and wanna make something new everyday.. Yeah that gets exhausting after while! Hahaha!! So after making a hit among the family and some online friends with the PLC Chicken, I had to keep going! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE to make cupcakes, I don't know exactly why.. But I do. I am not very good at the frosting part.. Just need to keep making more until I perfect this! The taste is always spot on, however I feel I can not ever get it "stiff" enough to pipe onto the cupcake itself. Sigh! I would gladly take anyone's criticism on this matter in how to make my frosting better! ;)

Ok enough about me and my thoughts lets talk dessert!!!

NO! The cupcakes were not store bought or a box mix... YES! I did make the cake from scratch following this recipe: Now I didn't change anything in the original recipe. BUT I did add 4 drops of lime essential oil, by Young Living. After they were baked, I then cut a circle out of the top of the cupcake removing that part of the cake. I added strawberry pie filling (YES, siiiiigh, from a can) and pushed the circle back on top of the filling like so...

I did have a person, Jeremy, test taste before the frosting... I was told it was GOOD.. Very tasty..  :) now it was time to start a new frosting recipe. I had to wait for my butter to get soft enough to cream. So, about room temp. Once the butter is soft enough beat it until light and fluffy (I personally think my kitchen is too humid to achieve fluffy, which could be overall frosting problem). 

This is where I started to cream the butter, but it was still not soft enough. So I wait a bit longer. Now I super failed in taking a picture of my creamed butter before adding other ingredients, call it mommy brain or mommy distraction! Anyways, the recipe I followed then calls for 4 1/2 cups powdered sugar, 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla and 5 tablespoons milk. This is where I got "creative". I did put 2 teaspoons of vanilla in and about 2-4 drops of Lime oil, essential oil made by Young Living (good luck trying to get JUST 2 or 3 and in place of the milk (meaning I didn't add it at all) I did 5 tablespoons of the strawberry pie filling that was left after filling the cupcakes. I alternated 1 cup powdered sugar to 1 tablespoon pie filling...

On the first go round I did 1 cup sugar, all the vanilla and the oil. Then, I began the alternating of sugar to filling. I did end up putting a total of 5 cups of powdered sugar in as well to attempt to thicken it. Here is the final out come..

The original Butter Cream Forsting recipe came from:

Strawberry lime Butter Cream:

1/2 cup butter, unsalted, softened
5 cups powdered sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2-4 drops of lime essential oil, Young Living 
5 tablespoons strawberry pie filling

Once butter is softened, beat with mixer until the butter is light and fluffy. Add the vanilla, lime oil, 1 cup of sugar and 1 tablespoon strawberry filling. Mix. Continue adding sugar and filling until you have added it all. Then frost your cake/ cupcakes/ goodies, and enjoy!!

Don't forget to leave you feedback as to how this turned out for you!!

Good luck and happy baking!!

<3  T

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