Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Silenceville... BMB

Silenceville.... It's a round trip to Silenceville and back. What does that even mean?! It has never been a secret in my life that I have a temper. I just choose to keep tight control of it. EVERY now and then a little bit slips out, usually after I am tired of holding my tongue. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, confession: I am a picture whore!! I love takings pictures and of course sharing my pictures and the beauty I see in those pictures, whether it is still life or my family and friends, every picture say a thousand words. Well there have been little birdies in my ear for about 1-2 years complaining about the pictures I post. So I changed, I started making sure I had permission before I would post.. However being human this last time.. I did not.. Well birdies started chirping again. This time, I said no more then. If my pictures on a certain social media site upset others.. Then I will take a break, step back. And I DID!! Little did I know that my wonderful family and friends would stand up for me, to them I am thankful. Although at this point I still have not looked at the social media sore spot, my husband has told me a little. You all are wonderful! But you also know me all to well! I am never silent.. The are other social media outlets.. And of course my blog! Lol so on with my next adventure... BMB.. Better My Blogging

Yesterday was Monday March 23, 2015 and I put seeds in dirt! I know I had started another blog dedicated just to our garden.. But I would like to keep ME more simple right now and just keep all of my thoughts, recipes and crafts all together! Yesterday was an exciting day cause we are 6-8 weeks closer to putting plants in the ground! This year we are trying our hand at this, alone? Well, alone with a village of help! I purchased all the seeds I felt we would need in February (allowing them to ship the potatoes in April). I then started researching the particular variety of purchased and how to produce the most successfully year. On 2/25/2015 I did start onions. I read, and read... AND read.. So I started the onions when the almanac said to and from then I have been measuring. Once the plant gets 5" tall I cut it back to 3". Yesterday, 3/23/2015 I cut the first 2 onions back from 5-3! Then I planted:

I planted all the tomatoes.. Three kinds: Cherry, paste and slicing

Then planted more:

And by the end of it, with the onions added in.. I finished 5 trays of garden plants.. That's 324 plants.. Errrr mmmmm seeds in dirt! We now officially have onions, tomatoes, zucchini, patty pan squash, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, pumpkins, sweet peppers, hot peppers, pickling cucumbers and slicing cucumbers!! I even designed the lay out of the garden:

Lots of plotting and planning.. Now it's time to make it happen and share it all with all of you! WAIT, I think I have a cake to blog about.. How's your sweet tooth? Is it ready for a Reese's cake?! Stay tuned.. More coming.. Daily?! That would be a marked improvement! Lol

Keep creating, keep baking, keep on keepin on!

❤️ T

SimplyAlways, Tina

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