Friday, April 24, 2015

Crescent Series: Pineapple, Cream Cheese and Chocolate

I did not even find this one on Pinterest instead I saw where another blogger had posted a blog about what they had done with crescent rolls. Well, I couldn't help myself and I had to comment! I just love the idea of stuff crescent rolls! I had said in the comment how I would put peanut butter and jelly inside of my kids for a toasty fall lunch! 

Then it hit me... I knew what I was going to make the kids for Sunday breakfast, that always turns into brunch! Crescent rolls stuffed with cream cheese and pineapple! However, when I get to the store my mind will go bananas with ideas to make it better! And the brunch plan was born! Crescent rolls stuffed with cream cheese, pineapple and chocolate chips, topped with fresh fruit!

Pardon my cutting board as it is well broke in with many, many uses.. However it is clean.. Maybe that will be my next "upgrade".. Hehehe little by little.. Anyways, roll out your dough and seperate the triangles.

I used a butter knife to put the cream cheese down then placed the pineapple, drained on the spoon against the can, on top of the cream cheese.

Then sprinkled mini chocolate chips on top of that! Only about 5-8.. 

I then rolled them up and put them in the oven.. Now the most common directions are to cook at 375 degrees for 11-13 minutes. I did find they needed closer to 13-15. Maybe all the extra goodness inside :)

While waiting on those to bake I sliced up some fresh strawberries and placed them in a bowl with the remainder of the crushed pineapple. Then sliced up bananas on top, and stirred it all up!

This is how they looked when they came out of the oven. They smelled.. Well pretty much just like crescent rolls! 

We had an extra child this morning.. But here are the kids plate all set to go.

My oldest did the honors of cutting in for the first look at the inside...

I honestly can't preach it enough how versatile crescent rolls are, and all the things you can do with it! So, I started the "Crescent Series" so I can add a new way each time!!

Crescent Series:
Brie and Peaches

Hope your breakfast/brunch is as tasty as ours was! 9 thumbs up this morning!!

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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