Sunday, April 19, 2015

Banana Chocolate Chip muffin topped with a sweet topping

Snack time can tend to be a mystery around here sometimes. Not knowing what exactly to feed the crew that day. Saturdays can be especially hard when I am fighting myself as to what to make them. And like my procrastinating self I wait til the last minute but finally come up with something good!!

I used a basic cake recipes and tweaked it a bit, as well as doing things a bit out of order (which shows).

I started off by mushing the bananas with the sugar..

Then, added in the butter and attempted to cream this all together. This is where I feel I made a mistake..

After adding in the eggs, vanilla and milk my mixture didn't quite look right to me. I knew why immediately! I should have creamed the butter and sugar together THEN added in the bananas, eggs, vanilla and milk. I suppose order is important!

Got my flour and baking powder mixed together and ready to add in...

Folded in the mini chocolate chips, then set aside...

In a small bowl I put brown sugar, cinnamon and hazelnuts..

Mixed them together very well...

Filled my lined baking cups halfway...

Sprinkled the topping over the batter, making sure to spoon it around to cover the whole top...

Baked at 350 degrees for about 18 minutes... Heaven!
According to Tristan (8) it "smelled like cinnamon rolls."
Hayden (7) says "They taste delicious".. I love my gang!

All I know is the sweet smell of cinnamon went very well with the sweet taste of banana. If I could have changed one thing it would be to some how swirl the brown sugar and cinnamon in to the cupcake.. that's saved for another adventure... for now...

Enjoy the view:

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffin with a Brown Sugar, Cinnamon and Hazelnut topping
By: Tina Nordlund

2 cups White Sugar
1 cup Butter (unsalted), Room Temperature
3 small/medium bananas
2 Eggs
1 cup milk
1 tbs + 1 tsp Vanilla
3 cups AP Flour
1 tbs + 1 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 Mini Chocolate Chips

1/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 tbs Cinnamon
2 tsp Finely Chopped Hazelnut

Cream the butter and white sugar together til light fluffy. Add in the 3 bananas, cream together. Add the eggs, one at a time. Add the Milk. Mix well. Add the Vanilla, mix til combined. In separate bowl add the AP flour and the baking powder together. Slowly add the flour mix into the liquid. Mix until just combined. Scrape the sides down and fold in the chocolate chips. Set aside. Mix together brown sugar, cinnamon and hazelnuts. Put liners into your muffin pan. Fill half way with the muffin batter the sprinkle the topping til just lightly covered. Bake at 350 degrees for 17-20 minutes. Yield: 2 dozen.

This is a great breakfast item for my husband, my oldest son and I. As well as a great snack for the kiddos!

GO... get in your kitchen and get creative! See what you can come up with too!

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina


Here's another good, highly kid approved muffin recipe! French Toast Muffins ... ENJOY <3

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