Friday, February 15, 2013

Lasagna Rolls

I have seen this meal idea running wild on Pinterest, Lasagna Rolls... they looked pretty tasty and easy so I decided to try it out. Now me being who I am failed to read a recipe at all and just went off of the picture in my head of what these look like. I thought I did pretty well... Even tried to make a "refreshing" tasting creamy center.

I wish I had a fun and amazing story to tell with this, however I do not.. This is a birthday month for my oldest baby Tripp (turning 14 next Tuesday 2/19) and my fabulous sister-in-law (2/15.. today) so for such a special month I choose to try new things. I started of with a new frosting on cup cakes, then I went for a meal.. Lasagna Rolls...

Boiled lasagna noodles til they were just done.. made not quite done all the way..

I took a whole container of Ricotta cheese, about 1 tbsp fresh dill, juice from 1/2 a lemon, 2 tbsp garlic, 1 tbsp seasoned salt (my dear hubby said this need to be regular salt and more of it) and 1/2 tsp paprika.. now to make it cheesier in my mind 1 cup finely shredded mozzarella cheese.  (adjust to your taste)

Now the noodles I had sitting in cold water to keep them from getting stuck together or dried out. Stretch 1 noodle out and spread the cheese on it and roll up like a cinnamon roll...

Place in casserole dish, I was able to fit 10 in mine and 3 in a separated dish. That was a good amount for my family. I did have several noodles left over. So note to self next time only cook the amount of noodles needed. This was trial and error for me and now I know the amount need for next time :)

Browned some homemade sausage and add it to some store bought (I know.. but in my defense our garden isn't in ground yet!) spaghetti sauce...

Ladled the sauce over the rolls and some on the sides of the rolls. Then sprinkled finely shredded mozzarella cheese over the top. Into the over at 350 degrees for about 25-35 minutes.

Baked to perfection.. if you ask me of course. This was quite delicious . sooo delicious in fact that Jeremy ate 3 of them (even not being salty enough) and Tripp ate 4!!! That kids is a bottom less pit we have decided!

One more final look at yumminess! Now its your turn to go bake/cook something!.. here is a link to the lasagna roll pin I have on Pinterest the inspired this particular creation by me :)

The website: unfortunately.. I clicked on the link from Pinterest and this blog has been removed :(

Here is another link that does work that was found on Pinterest:

Have fun creating...

<3  T

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