Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus Tea

I came across this recipe while looking on Pinterest, after I heard you can do things with the flowers. I didn't even know when I was given a hibiscus plant that it would end up being so COOL! Now believe me I knew about hibiscus plants from living in the south, but I knew they were pretty. Apparently hibiscus tea is high in Vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals. Which all help boost the immune system! Super handy during allergy season, better known as Spring and Autumn.

Have you not ever seen a hibiscus flower? Do you not know what I am talking about? No worries.. here are a few pictures from my plants, which are blooming like CRAZY right now!!


I have adapted my own version of a Jamaican recipe:

Original Recipe:
1 cup dried hibiscus
8 quarts water
1 cup sugar (adjust to your liking)
1/2 cinnamon stick (about a teaspoon of cinnamon)
a pinch of ginger

Add the sugar to 4 cups of water in a medium sauce pan along with the cinnamon and ginger. Heat until sugar dissolves and the mixture boils. remover and stir in dried flowers. Let it sit for about 20 minutes. strain the tea into a pitcher and add the remaining water, chill.

now my way...

I start with a medium sauce pan with 4 cups of water to 1 cup of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of ginger. Stirring together while it heats to a boil. I add in 3-4 dried whole flowers (minus the green pit in the middle of the flower..

Here is where I have removed the flower from the stem leaving the "pit" as I call it on the stem. The next step which is the longest, well next to waiting on the plant to bloom..

Sitting the flowers out to dry! I have been doing it for a while and have stocked up on flowers :)

Okay, so like I had said.. I put 4 cups water, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of ginger into a medium sauce pot...

Once this came to a boil and the sugar and spices had dissolved I turned the heat off, added 3 flowers and covered for 20 minutes...

Once my 20 minutes was up...

I strained the flowers then filled the pitcher up with cool water..

1 Gallon of hibiscus tea will not even last 24 hours in my house.. granted I do have 7 other helpers in drinking it. Love this stuff! the way it smells, the way it tastes the way it makes us all feel!

Here's a super TIP: if you can get your hand on local honey.. substitute 1/2 cup of sugar with 1/2 cup of honey... YUM!!

I even love the purple color the tea gets!

Hope you enjoy the post and get a chance to make this for yourself one day! I even here there are other things you can do with hibiscus tea as well.. Like adding mint and apple juice... hmmm

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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