Monday, May 18, 2015

Garden 2015: Week 7

Garden 2015: Week 7

Honestly.... its week 7 in plastic Nothing much has happened or was done this week. It got cold again at night and rained quite a bit. SO for the past week my garden has lived on my kitchen table and living room windows. Inside my inner garden master is screaming "SAVE ME!"

I know the Squashes (Zucchini, Patty Pan and pumpkin) and aching to stretch their roots and the cucumbers are not far behind! Sadly, the garden still is not tilled yet as 1 we haven't had a whole lot of time and 2 the weather hasn't been helping.

Anyways, this will be a short post this week, with hopes, fingers crossed and breath held for a better update next week!

Week 7 Picture collaboration....

So, I admit.. I had an off week.. it was gloomy all week, my sinuses were killing and the kids.... well there is six of them..

I did get a chance to give the chives a huge hair cut...

Then I checked the radishes... YES!! they are up!!

That's all... nothing major happened this past week.. but fingers crossed for a better week 8! in the mean time catch up on what you may have missed:

Week 6
Week 5
Week 4
Week 3
Week 1

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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