Thursday, May 14, 2015

Garden 2015: Week 6

Here we are into week 6 of Garden 2015.. other then being in limbo to get the seedlings into the ground.. I have now planted the radishes directly into the garden. I have also trimmed the chives back twice Spring is here.. however the next weeks temps say differently. Week 7 may start inside.. AGAIN!!

Ok this week lets start off with the new.. and the old.. the chives:

Here I am, starting of Sunday morning right, with a chive hair cut!

Now this particular batch I allowed to dry out side in the sun as a whole. Once it dries I will chop it up and save it for later culinary use!


Now on to whats been growing already...

Marigolds and Sunflowers:

Sweet Peppers:

Hot Peppers:


Patty Pan Squash:




Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbage:







Ok, so another new part.. Potatoes.. nothing much... just cut them down to seed and allowed to dry out

And to end week 6.. A look at what the garden currently looks like.. while it awaits a turn over with the tiller... oh only a few more weeks I hope!!

Come on frost free nights and the threat of snow- no-more!! I green thumb, hand you name it is itching to get in the ground!! I have so many ideas.. CAN NOT WAIT!!

in the mean time catch up on the past few weeks:

Week 5
Week 4
Week 3
Week 1

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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