Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Not your "classic" Kale soup...

My mother loves Kale soup and has made it myself and my kiddos for years.. Well my boys just absolutely love it. Now being so far from Granny its hard for them so call Granny up and ask her to make them some.  I called mom up and asked what all goes in it.. when she told me I was like "WOW!!, That's it?!?!?!" What Granny does is use Kielbasi, Great Northern Beans (or Canneli beans), Chicken broth and of course fresh Kale.  I of course being who I am.. I wanted to make this but using what I had!

So back during Thanks giving we deep fried a turkey. I did save the bones and slowly cooked them all day to make broth. My wonderful in-laws took some fresh ground pork added lots of love with seasoning, some with beer and some with spicy peppers.. yummy!! then smoked them! with all that being said this is what I did...

Turkey broth... yes still frozen...

Smoked Sausage....

Red onions in the bath too ...  :)

Finally the Kale and great northern beans..

Pretty simple :)

2 cups turkey broth
1/2 red onion
2 cans of great northern beans
1/2 bunch of Kale, cut
6 medium sized smoked sausages
2 cups of water

heat and serve.  I would season the the broth you may chose to use, mine I made so it was already seasoned.. with what you may ask.. I think a little of this and a little of that.. some where in there some salt and some Italian seasoning.. I think.. hahah!

Now go get in the kitchen!!
<3  T

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