Monday, January 28, 2013

Batter Fried Pork

Nothing much different in this dish then the Beer Battered Venison Nuggets. I did try a new technique... and they came out great!! For this I took 4 fresh pork chops, ours were cut pretty think. So i trimmed the meat away from the bone then thinly sliced the meat into 2-3 "patties". I did not preseason the meat. I then made up the beer batter and a flour dip as well. In the flour dip I used the same amount of seasoning and the same seasonings as in the beer batter. And this night I decided since I had fresh dill I add dill into both the batter and the flour.

I used regular vegetable oil, heated it up to 400 degrees. I then dipped the pork into the batter then the flour mix and into the hot oil it went. About 8 minutes on each side.

The pork came out is these beautiful crispy crust. The taste was excellent with just a hint of dill :)

Now I made these with a side of Sauteed red potatoes, a green salad and some left over rice. This meal was an absolute hit with the troops!! They loved it.. only left.. sadly.. the left overs.. hahah!

Now you have another batter recipe.. go give it a try!!

<3 T

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