Saturday, December 27, 2014

Peanut Butter Cookies

So this time of year, every year due to the holidays we bake cookies. We bake a LOT of cookies. And every year I find myself searching for a good peanut butter cookie recipe. Every year I find an acceptable one but not "the one". This year with the help of one of my oldest friends (not age, years known), Andy C., I think I have fallen in love with this simple recipe! And I mean SIMPLE! But as you all have gotten to know me slightly over the last 2 years of blogging, you know I can't leave a recipe alone with out modifying it somehow. 

Ok on to the easy super simple recipe.. 3 ingredients: 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup sugar and 1 egg! Yup that's it! I know I couldn't believe it myself how simple that is!

I have been doubling the recipe at a time, for my army of humans here, and I get about 3 dozen cookies! Just add all ingredients to the mixer and mix away! Preheat the oven to 325..

Now you know me.. I like to deviate.. So this is what I did as a trial.. I put one drop of each Young Living oil in, Cinnamon bark and Nutmeg, to give the cookies a more "chrismas-y" feel to it! Yum!

I mix the ingredients til I get a dough like texture.. Then star rolling into balls, cooking a dozen at a time for 12-15 minutes.

I do use parchment paper when baking these.. The cookies come off clean and ... Well perfect!

Right when it comes out of the oven I press the cookies down with the bottom of a glass bowl pressed in sugar first! OK, yes please!! 

Pull up a glass of milk and enjoy! My family.. Especially my "biggest" kid LOVES these cookies! Please share your baked goodness with your family, and leave me a little note as to how your turned out as well! ❤️

By: Michael Clifford, Georgia

1 cup peanut butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Put all ingredients into the mixed. Mix until well blended and forms a thick dough. IF you dough is sticky spray your hands with cooking spray or use butter. Roll dough into 1/2 inch balls. Back 12-15 minutes. Press cookie down with a cup pressed in sugar. Enjoy!

Happy Baking!
<3 Tina


So, I knew in advanced I would be doing an update on this blog.... So here it is! 

For an extra special treat but some melting chocolate, make a double boiler (sauce pot with water in it, with a heat safe bowl on top) place the chocolate in to the heat safe bowl and turn the stove on medium high heat til the water below the bowl starts to boil. I use a rubber spatula to stir the chocolate as it is melting. Once all the chocolate is melted I lower the heat of the stove to low/low-medium. 

This is how mine turned out... I usually just buy the chocolate flavored almond bark.

Then all I simply do is dip the cookie in halfway and set them on parchment paper lined cooling racks! This has turned out to be the best thing yet we have dipped in chocolate!

My finished batch! The two at the very top of the picture are completely covered in chocolate... Wow! Think I may have found a homemade way to make the famous Reese's... Cause boy are they good!!

You may go enjoy now! More coming in 2015 including fruity pebble cake! Oh yeah I am going there! 

<3 T

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Roasted Kholrabi

This past spring we planted Kholrabi. Now, most of you know by now I grew up in the city... The out skirts of Atlanta, the city. Being from the city we didn't have a garden in middle suburbia. Ok.. OK we did have a tiny garden but it had tomatoes and jalapeƱos... Therefore I am thrown into this whole country living stuff! With ALL that being said, things get planted in the garden that either I have never heard of before or have never cooked with before. So I am constantly on Pinterest attempting to find a way to cook veg or can it for later. 

Kholrabi was my challenge. While I did figure we could eat it raw with some sort of dip, and that was good... I wanted to do something else. I saw few things on Pinterest: pickling, mashed (like potatoes or cauliflower) and roasted. This time I went the roasting route. 

So I started with the raw fresh from the garden picked Kholrabi. Using a sharp knife I cut the tops and bottoms off, then set it flat and cut the tough outside "skin" off with my knife.

Next, I cut the Kholrabi in half the sliced. For my super large family I used about 12 medium/small Kholrabis. And yes I mean super large.. We are currently feeding 7 and it will then go up to 9 here shortly as we are hoping to take on two more kiddos! Well, what's two more?! 

Next, I gathered what seasonings I want/have and the olive oil. I would have normally used pepper, but like my usual self I am lacking some ingredient... Here is what I used for this supper: 2 tsp fresh (dried) oregano, 1 tsp fresh (dried) Rosemary (which I chopped up smaller), 1/2 tsp paprika, 1 tsp salt and about 2 tbsp olive oil. 

Mix it all together. Hopefully you have read this before starting to cook.. If not no biggie, set your bowl aside and preheat your oven to 350* degrees and let everything marry while the oven gets toasty. Once the oven is toasty and ready to go.. Spread your Kholrabi out on a non greased cookie sheet in a single layer and cook in the oven for about 20 minutes, or until they get golden especially around the edges.

And here is my outcome! Totally delish! The kids, which we have a lot, said it was so good! They are my biggest critics and it can be a challenge to get them to try new things. At least I can say this! They are well fed with homegrown and homemade yumminess! And THAT is success!!

Dinner is served!! Roasted Kholrabi, white rice and pork chops in a homemade mushroom sauce! (Check out the Pork chops in homemade mushroom sauce!)

Hope you feel inspired to cook something yummy tonight...

<3 T

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DIY: Upcycled Sweater

So keeping with the original theme of my blog, I was looking for a new way to make over two sweaters I have but never wear cause they are frumpy/too big or just plain out of style. Well, frankly I am tired of the wasted space and since I don't have millions to go out and by the latest fad.. I decided to come up with my own! 

I started with the first swear I found, a red one. After perusing Pinterest looking for inspiration and ideas.. I decided I would just go at it and see what happens...

I decided I would do an off center diagonal cut on the sweater.

Then with an embroidery needle I folded the cut part in by maybe 1/4 of an inch and hand sewed it down using some what of a back stitch.

Lastly, I started from the front and pushed part of the ribbon through the weaving of the sweater, folded the end and sewed it down by sewing it to the front. Repeated on the other side for a cute ribbon tie! This looks cute with a grey or white top underneath!

Enjoy! BUT go find your creative edge!! 

<3 T 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Baked Radish Chips

Well, Happy Summer!! Took the family for a lil vacation that last about 3 1/2 weeks.. Then back home and time to tend to the garden! To my surprise we had a whole bunch of radishes!! I love them fresh, however there is no way we could eat that many before they went bad! So, I do what I do went to Pinterest in search of how to can radishes. I found Radish relish, pickled radishes and then I saw radish chips. Thought it would make for a good Pinterest attempt and blog about it! 

The website I used (from Pinterest) for this recipes:

Started off by bringing in all the radishes I could gather, cut the tops and roots off, and washed them (or bathed them, depending how you look at it) in cold water and 1 cup of white vinegar in a large bowl...

They just cleaned up so well!! And look delish!!! Next...

So this is where I lack the "chef" skills!! Trying to cut them all about the same thickness.. Oh yeah, need to invest in a mandolin soon! (Future check list).. I cut enough for what I will say is about 3 cups maybe more... :D

Next, I started to make the "wet" mixture. 1 tbsp olive oil, 1/2 tbsp raw honey, and 2 tsb of sugar/cinnamon mix.. I whisked together till it all combined into a pretty honey mix..

I did heat the radishes in the microwave for about 30 seconds to warm them up. I poured the liquid gold over the radishes and did my best to stir it all together...

Since I am who I am.. I didnt have parchment paper (could be why they messed up) so I coated the sheet with shortening (which may have been mistake number 2).  I then cooked the chips for 15 minutes, flipped them and put them back in the 350 degree oven for 20 more minutes.. Then another 10 or so.. Sadly they never became crispy.. Just chewy...

Safe for me to say that this attempt was an absolute fail!... But I will get the proper paper to line the pan with or buy one of those mats made to bake sticky stuff.. What are those things called?!?!... 

Until next time, I hope you enjoy your summer as much as we are here so far.. Off to the garden for the next adventure!!

 <3 T

No Bake Granola Bars

Well this seems to be the latest trend! Everytime I go looking for a good chewy granola recipe.. I get 1000's of no bake recipes! So, I finally broke down, gave in and decided to give it a try.. In the past however with no bale recipes, like rice crispy treats, I some how always have an issue! Let's get this granola party started!

I did what I always do, went to Pinterest in search of a good granola recipes.. After reading a few I finally "pinned" it down to:

This recipe had only 7 ingredients... One of which was flax, which I do not have so I added an extra 1/2 cup rice cereal (per the recipe). I also added about 1/2 cup each cashews and raisins.. Could be an issue.. Might make it better... An hour will tell!

I started with the dry ingredients: 1 cup rice cereal, 2 cups oats, 1/2 cup cashews... Tossed a bit with a wooden spoon...

Next, I added all the "wet" ingredients.. 1/4 cup white sugar (cause like always, I always fudge an ingredient! This time no brown sugar (which did you know is just white sugar and molasses?) so I subbed), 1/2 cup raw honey, 3/4 cup peanut butter (creamy, is what I had on hand) and 1 tsp (the recipe calls for 1/2 tsp) home vanilla raspberry extract :)...

I took the "wet" ingredients and heated them in the microwave (as the recipe called for) for 30 seconds at a time, stirring between each till they were well combined and not too hot (this step is where I think I messed up)..

Next, I poured the warm, well mixed wet ingredients over the top of the dry ingredients. I combined the best I could using the wooden spoon. I then poured it in to the pan I had lined with wax paper (yes, the recipe calls for aluminum foil) mixed a little more by hand.. The mix just seemed too dry like it would crumble even after it sits for an hour in the fridge...

The final look before going in the fridge! All mushed down the best I could.. Fingers crossed for the outcome...

Out of the pan and already I can see that there wasn't enough liquid.. Sigh the taste was great! Maybe add more peanut butter and honey to cover the cashews and raisin!! Must try again!!

Yumminess! Enjoy!

 <3 T

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Homemade laundry detergent

I start a new adventure here at the Pin There, Tired That blog!! This blog was started to try different Pinterest things and see whether they pass or fail... I have drooling over the ides of making my own homemade laundry soap. I have read SEVERAL blogs, and finally found one to follow (One good thing By: Jillee. I got up the nerve to go and purchase the items needed for making this item. All I purchased was 1 box of Borax (cost $3.97, at my local Walmart), 1 box of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda ($3.24 at my local Walmart), and lastly a 2 pack of Dial gold soap ($0.97 again at my local Walmart). 

To start with I took 1 bar of Dial soap and grated it with my old grater (personally donated, by me, to the soap cause) and then....

Put in 8 cups of hot water and stirred to mix. Put the burner on LOW to help the soap along and dissolve in the water...

Once all the soap has dissolved into the water the next step is to add in 1 cup each of Borax and Washing soda...

As you can see it gets foamy... Or at least mine did after adding the "dry" ingredients... And once the mix started boiling it really gets foamy!!... I removed from the heat as soon as the boil got rolling.. AKA almost foaming over. I let it cool for about 5 minutes.. Then laddle by laddle, through the funnel I tried to divide the mix equally between 2 gallon containers...

The before: ^ adding of water....

The after.. ^ Now time to test in the laundry :)

 After letting my stuff sit for about thirty minutes, and not using it YET..mine became "chunky", I believe it is the foam that was on top that became solid and mixed in. If so then the next time I will scoop the foam off (lessons learned) .. Now its time to put it to the test and run a load of clothes to try it out... But first, I am adding 10 drops of lavender oil in... 

 Load of bed sheets are washing away, smell test later.. Look for the PS...

<3 Tina

P.S. Although my detergent continued to stay lumpy it did seperate too! I still find my clothes just as clean if not cleaner and the smell is way better then store bought detergent. I just shake my mix up before each use. Using the "measuring" lid from an old detergent container, I use the same amount in my same size loads! Maybe next time I will stir more consistantly to avoid lumps?! Hope you try this yourself. IF you do please leave a comment to how yours turned out!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Homemade Potato Gnocchi!

So what do you do when you have a billion potatoes.. Make pounds and pounds of gnocchi!

In the joy of cooking cookbook, my wonderful sister in law found a recipe for gnocchi that Cousin Shana was wanting to learn to make. The first step is to bake 2 pounds of potatoes (in our case 15 pounds!!!). The wonderful hubby and and sister in law scrapped all the potatoe out of the skin. Carefully measuring out 2 2/3 cups of cooked potato, which we did mash before adding in 1 1/3 cup all purpose flour, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.

Next, after adjusting the amount of flour to make it the "right" consistency (kind of like playdoh, or a slightly crumbly dough). Flour your work area and grab a handful. Start to roll it out in to a log. 

You want to use a butter knife and try to cut it in to equal parts. Here you see, BIL, Jake uses the side of a fork.. You get the same result and dirty less dishes.. Right?!?!

Now, holding the fork flat to the cut piece, roll it slightly to slightly flatten and "score" the dough.

This is a sample of how some of ours turned out...

Now for the fun part.... Cooking the dough...

You want to cook the gnocchi floats in the water.. Then it's done!

Floating for 20 seconds.. Out to my plate and add a sauce! Yummy!

Recipe from the joy of cooking book:

Potato Gnocchi

2 pounds baking potatoes, cooked, scooped out, pushed through a ricer or sieve with the back of a spoon and divided into 2 2/3 cups
1 1/3 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Stir together vigorously, then turn out onto a work surface and knead until smooth and blended. Roll into a log about 3/4 inch wide, cut into pieces 3/4 inch long. Roll each piece against the tines of a fork while pressing a small dent into the opposite side with your finger.

To cook:
Bring salted water to a boil. Drop gnocchi into simmering water until they float, about 2 minutes. They should hold a firm shape and be chewy to the bite.

Now, for use we are freezing our for future meals... You know since we had a harvest of some houndreds of potatoes. However, we will hold out enough to have some made with homemade spaghetti sauce, tomorrow. Pictures will be updates.... Well tomorrow :)

<3 T

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


We'll hey there fancy meeting you here again!!! Yes, it has been SEVERAL months since a post has been posted :) Emma and I are back in the kitchen and this time we have a brand new tool! An iPad 2 which should make blogging easier! Woohoo!! So this weekend is our monthly family weekend! So, for Sunday brunch Em and I are making muffins.. All sorts of muffins!! To start with we are making the pin "tha standard muffin" found here: . Since this recipe gives you an opportunity to be extra creative we are making blueberry and peach! 

Here we start with the dry ingredients:

We are doubling the original recipe. Next, we added all the wet ingredients (and the sugar into a separate bowl to whisk together:

Next, add the wet to the dry and mix... Now the original cooknesta said it will be lumpy and not to over mix.. This we shall do :)

And this is where the fun starts!!! Time to fill cups!

We decided to start with blueberry... After washing her hands really well, my awesome helper started topping!

In the oven these babies go for 20 minutes!

Out of the oven and on to my plater!!!

Now once my taste-tester has had lunch, she said these are "ummmmm!!! Good!!!"

Now, I did try the peach one and Em the blueberry. We both seemed to like it! Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a glaze drizzled over the top! So we will call this one a success! <3

We like this tried pin! Now, try it for yourself! Let us know how yours turn out, as well as what creative favors you used!

<3 T