Monday, May 18, 2015

Garden 2015: Week 7

Garden 2015: Week 7

Honestly.... its week 7 in plastic Nothing much has happened or was done this week. It got cold again at night and rained quite a bit. SO for the past week my garden has lived on my kitchen table and living room windows. Inside my inner garden master is screaming "SAVE ME!"

I know the Squashes (Zucchini, Patty Pan and pumpkin) and aching to stretch their roots and the cucumbers are not far behind! Sadly, the garden still is not tilled yet as 1 we haven't had a whole lot of time and 2 the weather hasn't been helping.

Anyways, this will be a short post this week, with hopes, fingers crossed and breath held for a better update next week!

Week 7 Picture collaboration....

So, I admit.. I had an off week.. it was gloomy all week, my sinuses were killing and the kids.... well there is six of them..

I did get a chance to give the chives a huge hair cut...

Then I checked the radishes... YES!! they are up!!

That's all... nothing major happened this past week.. but fingers crossed for a better week 8! in the mean time catch up on what you may have missed:

Week 6
Week 5
Week 4
Week 3
Week 1

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

Mom's Series: Bear Poop

My mother likes to collect recipes she finds from magazines, newspapers, friends, TV name it and give them to me when I come to visit her in Georgia. I tell her all the time how much I love them and appreciate them.. however, I haven't been showings so... So in honors of the recent Mother's Day I finally decided I was going to work my way through these recipes, when I!!

I started with one I received last summer when I spent 3 weeks with my mother and Aunt Dottie (who is turning 101 in a few weeks!). I was going through a very difficult personal time and found it relaxing to write some of the recipes she had on index cards, then of course cheating and taking pictures of the index cards with my iPad. :) It made the time a bit easier and of course made me smile with the thoughts of creating some of these things for the kids!

First the recipe:

Bear Droppings:

And this is what I did...

I had 1 cup of chocolate chips and about 2 oz. of almond bark.

Instead of adding shortening, I added coconut oil. 1 tbsp.

While all that was melting I measured out 2/3 cup dried cranberries and 2/3 cup a peanut butter trail mix...

Then choose to put in some marshmallow for fun.. Not because that's what bears eat...

Mixed it all up and set aside patiently awaiting its warm/hot chocolate bath!!

Once the chocolate, almond bark and coconut oil had melted all together, I removed it from the heat and set it on a hot pad...

Then I added the dry to the melted... Stirred it all up.. Then dropped by the tablespoon full on to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper..

Then placing it in the refrigerator to chill for a nice after school treat!

What will I create next on this wonderful stack of recipes mom gave me?!? Maybe one a week! How about Mondays?! OK sounds good to me too!!

See you next week for Mom's series!

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Garden 2015: Week 6

Here we are into week 6 of Garden 2015.. other then being in limbo to get the seedlings into the ground.. I have now planted the radishes directly into the garden. I have also trimmed the chives back twice Spring is here.. however the next weeks temps say differently. Week 7 may start inside.. AGAIN!!

Ok this week lets start off with the new.. and the old.. the chives:

Here I am, starting of Sunday morning right, with a chive hair cut!

Now this particular batch I allowed to dry out side in the sun as a whole. Once it dries I will chop it up and save it for later culinary use!


Now on to whats been growing already...

Marigolds and Sunflowers:

Sweet Peppers:

Hot Peppers:


Patty Pan Squash:




Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbage:







Ok, so another new part.. Potatoes.. nothing much... just cut them down to seed and allowed to dry out

And to end week 6.. A look at what the garden currently looks like.. while it awaits a turn over with the tiller... oh only a few more weeks I hope!!

Come on frost free nights and the threat of snow- no-more!! I green thumb, hand you name it is itching to get in the ground!! I have so many ideas.. CAN NOT WAIT!!

in the mean time catch up on the past few weeks:

Week 5
Week 4
Week 3
Week 1

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina