Monday, March 30, 2015

Garden 2015: Week 1

Today marks officially 1 week that the majority of the garden was put in to dirt! It is such a treat to watch this whole entire process.. being so hands on!

Stats so far:
Onions were started on February 25, 2015 and March 3, 2015. Why two different days... well because I started 11 seeds.. not really knowing what I was doing. Then started 61 more :)
All other seeds were started on March 23, 2015, meaning: tomatoes (3), peppers (2), squash, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers (2), broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.
March 26, 2015 Broccoli was the first to poke through the dirt!
March 30, 2015 (today) everything but the peppers are up!

Sunday March 29, 2015: zucchini and pumpkin made their appearance in my kitchen window!

Monday March 30, 2015.. Officially week 1

Before I did anything this morning with the plants, I took good morning pictures :)

Next, I cleared my working space so I could one by one go through each tray clipping and watering..
Each type of plant has certain things you need to do while they are growing. Most are pretty easy.. clip all but 1 sprout, usually the strongest is left, then make sure you water and re-pot when needed, if needed, before moving out doors.

Onions were up first: For these I have 2 straws cut down.. one at 5 inches and the other at 3 inches. reasoning.. once the stem/leaf reaches 5+ inches I cut it back to 3" and continue with this process until it is time to transplant into our garden!

I just love the cucumber sprouts.. they are just pretty!

This has to be another difficult point for me in this whole starting everything from seed. Most advice tells you to plant 2-3 seeds per soil pod. Yet when you do that you end up with more then one sprout. The difficult part is CHOICE.. meaning I have to go through each pod and choose which sprout will produce the best plant later! I am deciding the fate of our plants and our garden! Fingers crossed I choose wisely!

There wasn't too much to do with the tomatoes as they JUST broke soil! Not even all the sprouts are up! Keeping fingers cross on the tomatoes as they can be pretty finicky!

Apparently, I stuck 4 seeds in this pod.. oops! but in my defense the seeds are tiny! I know you have opened a tomato before when cutting them the slimy middle section spews out at you with those tiny yellow seeds.. YUP those are the same ones you use to plant! TINY...hehehe

Pumpkin, this particular picture was right after the seed came off the new leaves.. you can still see the wetness between the leaves!

I had to share this! The pumpkin and zucchini seeds are huge! so when I planted them in the center of the pod.. I assumed the would grow up.. well the one (and a few others) decided to grown out the side getting caught in the biodegradable mesh outer pod thingy.. love my technical terms!

Holy roots batman!!! I had to capture the roots on the pumpkin and zucchini! I guess big seeds, make big roots, make big plants!!.. needless to say I will be re-potting these babies ALREADY!!

A lot of these gardening posts will be mostly pictures.. I mean seriously (back to this) a picture is worth 1000 words all in its self. Most of the time I am posting a pretty self explanatory picture.. and sometimes I have to tell you what I am trying to capture so you, as a reader, can see what I  My vision is in sparkles, unicorns and rainbows! :)

Gardening is just barely getting started for this 2015 year, so like always... Stay Tuned!

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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