Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread

Ok this one I had a lot of fun with. Granted it was a spur of the moment.... yeah I guess this will work... before I rush of to work, recipe. Yeah did you follow that?!?! Well it was Monday evening and Gage reminded me that I need to bake something for his school's Bingo night.. CRAP!! I had forgotten. Well it was much too late to make it now.  I started digging around on Pinterest and came across this Pumpkin Bread and it sounded pretty easy. I gathered all the ingredient and got under way...

 I got ambitious on one of them and instead of putting chocolate chips on top I did fall colored M&M's :).  Now the recipe says to bake it for 55-60 minutes but you will find on her website she does comment in the bottom times may need to be adjusted as wells the amount on oil. So after an hour and 15 minutes my bread was done!!

 YAY!!! I then "packaged" it up, including the recipe, for the bingo night shin-dig and even made some Sweet and Salty bites to go with it (will blog on that one later :) ) and headed off to drop it off 1 hour before I was due at work. whew, its got done :)

 Now, I did not actually get to try any of the first 3 breads, as I gave them away as gifts. So it just meant I HAD to make some more. SO I made 2 more loaves to have here at the house.. WOW!! That's all we could say! absolutely AMAZING!! I will definitely be making this again and again during the fall holidays!!

The recipe:

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Yield: 1 loaf of bread
·         1 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix)
·         1 tsp vanilla
·         3 eggs
·         1/4 cup sour cream
·         3/4 cup vegetable oil
·         1 2/3 cup flour
·         1 cup sugar
·         1/2 tsp salt
·         1/2 tsp baking powder
·         1/2 tsp baking soda
·         1 cup + 1/4 cup chocolate chips, divided
·         powdered sugar, to garnish
1.    Preheat oven to 350 F degrees. Grease & flour loaf pan. (I also lined mine with parchment paper.)
2.    In large bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt TWICE.
3.    In a medium bowl, combine the pumpkin, eggs, oil, vanilla and sour cream until smooth.
4.    Make a well in the flour mixture and pour in the wet ingredients. Whisk together until smooth.
5.    Fold in 1 cup of chocolate chips.
6.    Pour into prepared loaf pan. Sprinkle 1/4 cup chocolate chips on top.
7.    Bake 55-60 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
8.    Cool in pan on a wire rack 20 minutes before removing to wire rack to cool completely.
9.    Dust top with powdered sugar to garnish.

Recipe from:

By: Betsy

Until later.....

Enjoy Baking <3


  1. I love it! Im going to try it tomorrow! Thanks Tina!

    1. Your are so welcome Rocky.. Let us know how your turns out :)

