Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The begining

Well Hey there!

Quick introductions, my name is Tina. I am Engaged to my best friend and soul mate, Jeremy. Together we have a total of 8 kiddos. I have 5 and he has 3, that's 7 boys and 1 little girl. Tripp is 13, Gage is 11, Justin is 8, Aidan is 6, Tristan is 6, Hayden is 4 (about to turn 5), Emma is 3 and Collin is 3. NO there are no twins. Aidan is 7 months older the Tristan and Emma is 4 months older then Collin. Confused yet?!?! Well don't be, You will hear their names in this blog as to their thoughts on some of the recipes and sometimes just what we did that day so on and so on.

Now, I decided to start a blog due to my love of baking and cooking. I love trying new recipes and have become addicted to Pinterest. But now a days who hasn't! If you haven't yet heard of Pinterest PLEASE go check it out! You will fall instantly in LOVE with it, like or it will just not be for you (click on the link above to check it out)! Since I have been on Pintrest I have tried a few of the recipes, and thought "Hey, I could make recipes and blog about them" ..lol genius huh?!?!? Then I thought well if I do this I will just blog about the good ones and include where to find them on the interweb, crediting the person from whom "introduced" me to the recipe. But I think I will just make whatever I see that our family may like, good or bad. It's just my/our opinion. So there for I am not wrong, right?

This is a picture of our crew (minus Justin) last Christmas, Oh yeah I am the one taking the pictures..

Oh there I am, giving instructions on how to decorate the tree.. Basically it is Come to me I hand you the next ornament the kiddo can put it anywhere on the tree they want! :)

We did get brave one day, back when we were still living in Georgia. We took 6 of our kids to Stone Mountain and climber all the way to the top of the mountain and all the way down.. whew that was an all day event... lol

 Well I hope you have enjoyed my first blog.. our introduction.. 

Keep an eye out cause on my days off from my "part time" job (now that's another story) I will be baking and cooking trying out all the recipes I can find out there..... whether it is from Pinterest, the web, a cook book, a friend or a magazine. Off too bake something now....

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