Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rhubarb Compote

I know how much Jeremy really enjoys rhubarb, so I went on a search for a recipe. My sister-in-law-to-be had some rhubarb she was willing to share with us, yay!!! <3 At first I went looking for rhubarb custard. Just custard not a pie or a cake.. just custard and I wasn't finding anything.. So, I broadened my horizons too see what else was out there that sounded good. I found a simple recipe for Rhubarb Compote and well did my own modifications like always.

So the package E gave me of rhubarb was 10 cups fresh rhubarb. She had froze the bag so I sat it out to thaw. Once thawed the rhubarb had already released its juices and was not about 1/2 to 2/3 cup liquid and 3 1/2 cup rhubarb.. WOW! I put that into a 3 quart pot, added 1 1/4 cups of sugar to the pot and stirred. I let the mix rest for about 5 minutes to let the juice and sugar could get to know each other a little more :)

After letting it sit I turned the burner onto medium high heat and added 1 1/2 tbs cinnamon, 1/2 tbs ginger and 1/2 tbs nutmeg. I brought this mix to a boil and let it boil for about 8 minutes. The original recipe said 5 minutes until the rhubarb is mushy but has chunks. I wanted mine a little more cooked down, almost to a chunky applesauce. Once the mix got to that point i removed this from the heat and added 1/2 tsp vanilla extract and 1/2 tsp almond extract....

Now the rhubarb compote is jarred and ready for some ice cream.. I did taste it (of course...hehehe) before I put the lid on and OhMyGosh (as my niece would say) it is in serious need of some ice cream in a bowl!! :)

My Recipe:

Rhubarb Compote

10 cups Rhubarb, cut into ½ inch pieces
1 1/3  cups Sugar
1 tbs Ground ginger
1 ½ tbs Cinnamon
½ tbs Nutmeg
½ tsp Vanilla extract
½ tsp Almond extract

Put the rhubarb and sugar into a large sauce pan and let it set with no heat for 10 minutes. This allows the rhubarb to release its natural juices. Once you have achieved the amount of liquid you desire, place the pot onto medium high heat and bring the liquid to a boil. Add in ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg. Let simmer for about 5 minutes or until the rhubarb is broken down to where there are still some lumps, sort of like an applesauce consistency. Turn the heat off. Add in the vanilla and almond extract. Stir the compote well, let it rest for about 5 minutes then put into a mason jar. Seal up (not like canning just put a lid on it) put in your fridge until the time come and you want ice cream with some yummy flavor over the top! Enjoy!

The original recipe:

Rhubarb Compote


  • 1 3/4 pounds rhubarb, ends trimmed, cut crosswise into 3/4-inch pieces (about 6 cups)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 piece (1 inch) fresh peeled ginger, finely grated


  1. Stir together rhubarb and sugar in a large saucepan (off heat); let stand until rhubarb releases some liquid, about 10 minutes.
  2. Bring rhubarb mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat; simmer, stirring occasionally, until rhubarb has broken down but some whole pieces remain, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
  3. Place ginger in a fine-mesh sieve set over a small bowl. Press down firmly with a spoon until juices are released (to yield about 1 teaspoon). Discard solids. Stir ginger juice into rhubarb mixture.
  4. Let sauce cool completely before serving over ice cream, yogurt, or pound cake, or using to make parfaits.

The site:

By: Martha Stewart

Give it a go see what you think :).. I know I will enjoy it.. only now to see if my biggest critic Jeremy likes it ... 

Now go bake!
<3 T

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Salmon Patties

Growing up I don't recall my mother.. well any family member of mine making this. Sorry guys if you did and I just don't remember :(. I was married before (shock I know) and his mother made these for us one night and the family was shocked to hear that I have never had it!! Well long story short my mother-in--law taught me how to make these, and well over the years I have made it sooo many different way! However, I always used the canned salmon. Another bonus of moving to Minnesota... you can get frozen fresh (I know still not "fresh") much cheaper :) yay!!!
So the last time I went shopping I took my time this trip and found individual salmon fillets $1 each! Woohoo I know a few things I can do with that. But when it came down to time to cook the fish.. yes I could broil with seasoning, bake in oven with white wine and lemon.. there are many choices. But I decide to bring back a "classic" to me and re-invent it!

The original recipe as I remember it (yup didn't write that one down.. sheesh):
2 14 oz cans of salmon
1 large egg
4 tbs flour
2 tbs cornmeal
and season to taste
cast iron pan bottom with a heavy coating of shortening. cook one side flip cook the other.
Judy, I am sorry if I got that wrong!!

Now what Tina did.. hang on for this

In a food processor like Cuisinart, put 4 thawed salmon fillets  skinned and cut into chunks  1/2 of a small onion, then quartered, 1 large egg and all your seasoning.

  I mixed (maybe a bit too much) till the onion was chopped up into small pieces. then I added 5 tbs of flour and 2 1/2 tbs of bread crumbs. I pulsed the food processor until I got what I call and thick paste.

Call me prissy.. I didn't want to actually touch the mixture, I knew it would be super stick.. So I used 2 big spoon. I scooped the mixture out like I would a drop cookie. With the back of one spoon I coated with olive oil and pressed the ball down to a patty. I let the bottom side cook until it was golden brown over medium heat ( so the inside would cook) and flipped the patty over. 

My finished patties. Jeremy was out of town so I didn't exactly get an adults opinion and to boot poor Gage is getting sick :) so that left Tripp, Emma and I will we LOVED it .. Tripp ate 4 of them and Emma had 2, woohoo tasty kids approved fish success!!

My recipe:

Salmon Patties

4 Frozen salmon fillets, skinned and cut into chunks
1 Large egg
½ of a small onion, quartered
5 tbs all purpose flour
2 ½ tbs Italian style bread crumbs
1 tbs Garlic
½ tbs Salt
½ tbs pepper
Put into a food processor Salmon, onion, egg, garlic, salt and pepper. Pulse until the ingredients are well combined. Next add in the flour and bread crumbs. Pulse until all the ingredient are combine and are starting to form what looks like a dough, a wet dough. Form into 1 ½ inch balls. Place into a frying pan with about a tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat. Flatten with the back of a spoon (coat the back of the spoon with oil so it doesn’t stick) til the patty is about ¼ inch thick. Once browned on one side, flip. Cook until that side is done. Your patty should be cooked all the way through. Enjoy

Try it for you self, like it pass it on.. don't like PLEASE leave some feed back on how to make it better!! 

<3 T

Monday, November 19, 2012

Roasted Bacon Potatoes

This turned out to be a super yummy side dish, that I am so glad I am getting in the habit of writing down the recipes! Cause it will be made again! This recipe came to me 1. cause I really wanted potatoes and 2. I have bacon that needed to be used.. oh darn!

Not much to this recipe... hooray!! Cube up about 5-7 small to medium potatoes. Take 1/4 pound of bacon pre sliced, then cut even smaller. Lay the potatoes out flat on a foil line cookie sheet, sprinkle bacon over the top. Whew, I know that was the hardest part (other then wanting this to be done waaaay sooner)! Next take your seasoning and sprinkle that over the top, lastly take olive oil and drizzle that over the top. Now for the messy part.. get your hand in the mix! Using your hand just kinda lightly mixed everything so it all has a touch of yumminess on it! Flatten back out on the cookie sheet an place it in a 375 degree oven for about an hour. I know an hour!! (Ok.. so this is the toughest part, waiting and smelling the yumminess!)

I did open the oven almost every 15- 20 minutes to kinda toss the potatoes around to make sure the cooked evenly.

Oh my yummy goodness!!
The final plate! I served the potatoes with BBQ Venison Meatballs and Garlic Cheese Biscuits, the retried version that is, and some mixed veggies sauteed in butter.

The Recipe:

Roasted Bacon Potatoes:

5-7 small to medium potatoes, cubed
1/4 lb sliced bacon, cut finely
1 tbs pepper
1 tbs garlic
1/2 tbs Italian seasoning
1/2 tbs salt
2 tbs Olive Oil

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Place cubed potatoes in a single layer on a foil lined baking sheet. Sprinkle bacon over the top. In a small bowl place all the spice together and toss with a fork. Sprinkle spice mix over the top of the potatoes and bacon. Drizzle over the olive oil. Message in with hands. Put in oven for 45 - 60 minutes, or until the potatoes are cooked thoroughly. Stirring potatoes around every 15- 20 minutes. Serve.

By: Tina's great mind!

Try it out.. leave a comment if desired. Most importantly GO BAKE!

<3  T

Venison and Bacon Meatballs

So coming up with dinner sometimes can be a challenge for me. I will have the meat but I want something different to try, something not so "everyday". Last night I had the ground venison meat, but I didn't want spaghetti or meat loaf or homemade hamburger helper.. I wanted to try something new. I brain stormed.. I had a bout half a pound of bacon that needed to be used up, onion and potato. I decided to make meatballs and create my own BBQ sauce... this should be interesting.

I started with 1.5 lbs of ground venison and 1/4 pound bacon slicing the slices very thin. Added half and onion, mixed well by hand.

Added 1 egg, bread crumbs (Italian bread crumbs) garlic, pepper, red pepper and salt. Again mixed well by hand.

Next cooked then in a frying pan until fully cooked (cause of the bacon these needed to be cooked all the way through, raw bacon.. umm... not so much goodness)... After they were cooked I placed them in an oven safe dish, covered with my BBQ sauce and placed in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes (or until the sauce is bubbling).

The Sauce:
I put in a sauce pan: Ketchup, mustard, white vinegar, western style dressing, brown sugar, garlic, salt, pepper, paprika, horseradish and a blend or dried peppers from my step-mothers garden. brought to a boil stirring often. Now if I was going to save this for a later BBQ even I would let it cool then bottle it up. but since I was using it right away I poured the hot liquid over the meatballs.

The Recipe:

BBQ Meatballs:

1 1/2 lbs ground venison
1/4 pound bacon slices, sliced very thin almost like ground meat
1/2 a small onion
1 large egg
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1 1/2 tsp garlic
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp red pepper

mix ground venison, bacon and onion by hand. Add in egg, bread crumbs and seasoning. Mix well by hand working all the ingredients in together. Heat frying pan to medium. Do not add extra oil to pan, the meat balls with the bacon added in will create grease and they don't stick very much to the pan. Make the balls in to about 1 to 1 1/2 inch balls place them in the pan cooking on one side until browned then flip over and cook til the second side is browned. Place in over safe casserole dish, cover with BBQ sauce. Place in preheated oven (325 degrees) for about 15 minutes or until the sauce is bubbling. Serve.

BBQ Sauce:

1 cup ketchup
2 tbs mustard
2 tbs Western style dressing (found in the dressing section at the store)
1/4 cup white vinegar, adjust to your taste (can also use apple cider vinegar)
2 tbs horseradish
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tbs salt
1 1/2 tsp pepper
1 tbs garlic
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp dried hot peppers

Mix ketchup, mustard, dressing, vinegar and horseradish in a sauce pan. Add in brown sugars stir well. Add in all other spices. Place on stove med-high heat. Stirring often until the sauce comes to a boil. Remove from heat. Use right away or let it cool and store in an air tight container in the fridge!

By: Tina's "creative" mind

The finished masterpiece! Which include Roasted Bacon Potatoes and Garlic Cheese Biscuit, the retried version of this!

No go a bake/cook a masterpiece and let us know if you try this with comments, suggestions or just plain yummies!!

<3 T

Beer Battered Venison steak nuggets

The first venison recipe was such a hit I thought.. "well, self, maybe you can post your own of the top of the head recipes, someone might like it". So here is another venison recipe. I want to let you know, up front, my beer batter is NEVER the same. Every time I make it taste different, I guess maybe I should start writing it down... NAH!!! But I will for this one tell you rough guesstimates on amounts :), either way you will LOVE the batter! On to the meat... so for this I used round steaks, as the package was labeled. I did cut the steaks into to "bite sized" pieces.

Ok so time for some fun facts about your author... When I am trying to find a recipe on something to try I look a several different ones to get an idea on the "base" of the recipe. For the beer batter I must have looked at about 8 different versions of a beer batter and finally came up with a base. The basics of my beer batter is one 12 oz beer (depending on your taste buds pick the beer you would want.) I used bud light in this one cause that's what we had on hand. 3 large eggs and about 1 cup of flour (more or less depending on how thick you want your batter). Now the seasoning is where my batter changes every time. This time I used, Garlic, pepper, salt, red pepper and paprika.

 Once your batter is is created and your steaks are cut.. combine like so. (FYI: I did pre-salt and pepper my steak before putting in the batter. Only a light sprinkle)

I like to use Crisco as my oil of choice but you can use vegetable oil, canola oil or even peanut oil. I would keep the grease around 325 degrees. I flip my nuggets only once. I wait til it is golden brown on the first side and flip, cooking only until it is golden brown. (this way the meat doesn't over cook)

Here is how my final nugget came out. and as much as I made.. what was left over was eaten the next morning with pancakes. I suppose the fam liked it.. they really liked it.. :)

Beer Batter

1 12 oz can/ bottle of your preferred beer
3 large eggs
1 cup all purpose flour
1 tbs salt
1 tbs black pepper
1 tbs garlic
1 tbs red pepper
1/2 tbs paprika

Mix beer and eggs together first. Slowly add in the flour adjusting the amount to fit desired thickness. Add in spices. Heat oil to 325 degrees. Place meat of choice (great with chicken too) in batter til coated the place in hot grease. Flip once the bottom side is golden brown. remove from grease once your nugget of meat is completely golden brown. Serve and enjoy.

Created in: Tina's fun, awesome mind!

Give it a try and leave comments to how your turned out! Have fun...

<3 T

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Slow Roasted Venison Sirloin Tip Roast

Happy hunting fellow hunters!! This deer season turned out very well for our family! We "tagged out".. for those of you who may not know what this means, let me explain the best I can seeing as I am not the avid hunter in the family :) We had 3 tags so far this year for 1 deer a piece. Jeremy shot 1, Tripp and Gage both got their first ones this year :) Super proud mommy moment, you know the one when you see your boys becoming young men with the best teacher possible :) .. Jeremy!

 Tripp and his 5 pointer

Jeremy and his Spike Buck

Gage and his "Knubber".. Basically a younger buck!

Ok.. that's enough with show and tell.. now on to the good stuff! With all this wonderful meat, makes wonderful meals with fresh hormone free yumminess! Tonight's menu included 1 sirloin tip roast from Tripp's deer and 1 from Jeremy's deer. With Tripp's I used McCormick's pre-made cowboy rub.. Pretty simple.

Now for Jeremy's roast I used about a tablespoon of each of the following spices: salt, pepper, garlic, Morton's nature seasoning. Also, about 1/2 tablespoon of paprika (to give it a some what smokey flavor).

I placed both rubbed down roasts in to a foil lined 9 x 13 pan, not touching each other. I took about 5 small to medium sized potatoes cubed up, baby carrots and a small onion sliced and spread around the roasts. I took 3 garlic cloves and chopped into thick slices (about 4-5 slices per clove) and sprinkled the garlic around the dish. lastly adding about 1/2 cup of water and covering with foil.

Place the whole thing in a pre-heated oven to 300 degrees and let it just slowly cook for about 3 1/2 hours. When I took mine out of the oven I ended up with this beautiful hunk of yumminess!

Oh my yummy goodness.. what is this?!?!?

This would be the most delicious roast I have put in my mouth in a long while!

Now the the left over drippings in the bottom of the pan.. did I throw them away.. NO SIR!!

I pour it in to a sauce pan, turned the burner on medium heat til the liquid gold stated to boil, add just enough flour (by sight, add and stir, add and stir) til the liquid started to thicken removed from the heat and mixed with a small whisk until we had a smooth mix and used this as gravy over our meat and veggies!


Ok since this is my own of the top of my head recipe lets see if I can make it look like one..hehehe :)

Tina's sirloin tip rub:

1 tbs Salt
1 tbs Pepper
1 tbs Garlic
1 tbs Morton's Natures Seasoning
1/2 tbs Paprika
4-5 small - medium potatoes, cubed into bite size pieces
2 cups baby carrots, whole
1 small onion, sliced
3-4 Garlic cloves, sliced
1/2 cup water

Pre-heat over to 300 degrees. In a bowl mix first 5 ingredients, rub all over your roast- yes even the bottom. Place into a 9 x 13 pan lined with foil, heavy duty. Next, put potatoes, carrots and onion all around the roast. sprinkle garlic slice over the top of it all. Pour in water, cover with foil. Place in 300 degree over for 3- 3 1/2 hours. remove from oven take roast out of the pan and let it sit for about 5 minutes the slice and serve with veggies on the side. Take remaining liquid from bottom of pan and place this in a small sauce pan over medium heat just til it starts to boil. Sprinkle in flour til the liquid starts to thicken, remove from heat. Pour desired amount over your meat and veggies... and enjoy!

Go cook.. let us know how your turns out! If you modify this recipe at all lets us know what you did and how it turned out, be creative!!

<3 T

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cheese Stuffed, Bacon Wrapped.. Meatloaf

It's exactly as the title says.. minus the best thing I have ever put in my mouth!! I decided to make this after my cousin posted she was making bacon wrapped meatloaf for dinner. I was so excited to see Bacon.. it didn't matter what it was with!! I followed her link to the recipe and actually put off making it for day (the whole night dreaming and drooling over it). The day I made this I was actually scheduled off work, not an impromptu day off :)

The time finally came and the excitement was over the top.. BACON.. that was my thought!! Emma and I had been to the store earlier that day to get all the ingredients and that's where the epiphany came to me.. cheese in the middle!

To begin:

 I placed the meat, seasonings (salt, pepper, garlic, italian seasoning and paprika), egg and bread crumbs (italian flavored) into bowl. mixed well with the best mixer I have.. my hands! the chopped up onions and threw those into!


I split the mix in to two parts. The first half I lined the bottom of a loaf pan (the original recipe did not use a pan just shaped the loaf). then I took about 1 1/2 cups cheese and put that on top of the meat, leaving space all around the edge to press the top meat and bottom meat together. Leaving the cheese to get all gooey in the middle and not run out the sides :)

And then:

The BACON!! It took about 6 pieces of bacon to cover the top of the loaf, over lapping the pieces. I also bought a thinner cut bacon as opposed to the thick supper yummy type. Again in the original recipe with out the pan the bacon wrapped all around the formed loaf, which then sat on a rack inside a pan for the drippings. Since there are some in the fam that aren't as crazy for bacon as I am.. I played nice and only topped the meat loaf.. sooooo nice of me!
The final steps:

The ingredients... Ketchup, mustard, brown sugar.. and for us I added the extra kick of horseradish! Whisked it all together til creamy-ish...

whola! used half the mix to cover the top.

After 45 minutes of cooking this lovely beast I added the other half of the sauce to the top and cooked for another 15 minutes  Unfortunately.. or maybe fortunately I did not get a chance to click a final shot as the hubby and I took the loaf out of the oven and served it right away to the hungry troops, and with in 25 minutes of serving it.. the loaf was GONE!! that's right it was soooo good nothing was left but some grease in the bottom of the pan!

The Recipe:


  • Meatloaf:
  • 1 cup Whole Milk
  • 6 slices White Bread
  • 2 pounds Ground Beef
  • 1 cup (heaping) Freshly Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • 1/4 teaspoon Seasoned Salt
  • 3/4 teaspoons Salt
  • Freshly Ground Black Pepper
  • 1/3 cup Minced Flat-leaf Parsley
  • 4 whole Eggs Beaten
  • 10 slices Thin/regular Bacon
  • Sauce:
  • 1-1/2 cup Ketchup
  • 1/3 cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon Dry Mustard
  • Tabasco To Taste

Preparation Instructions

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pour milk over the bread slices. Allow it to soak in for several minutes.
Place the ground beef, milk-soaked bread, Parmesan, seasoned salt, salt, black pepper, and parsley in a large mixing bowl. Pour in beaten eggs.
With clean hands, mix the ingredients until well combined. Form the mixture into a loaf shape on a broiler pan, which will allow the fat to drain. (Line the bottom of the pan with foil to avoid a big mess!)
Lay bacon slices over the top, tucking them underneath the meatloaf.
Make the sauce: add ketchup, brown sugar, mustard, and hot sauce in a mixing bowl. Stir together. Pour 1/3 of the mixture over the top of the bacon. Spread with a spoon.
Bake for 45 minutes, then pour another 1/3 of the sauce over the top. Bake for another 15 minutes. Slice and serve with remaining sauce.

The site:
By: Ree Drummond a.k.a. The Pioneer Woman
Just so every one knows.. I do think this woman is my newest hero!! She started out like I did.. spoiled in the city, and ended up in the middle of somewhere! Me I just ended up in the woods of northern Minnesota which I would trade for the world!

<3 Try the meat let me know how yours turns out.. if you make modifications like I did or if you followed to a T.  :) Happy cooking and such!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pumpkin Crunch Cake

I have been bugged and bothered to post this recipe since I made it.. LAST night!!! It was a hit here at Nordlund Manner! How this came about you ask? Well I took an unofficial official day off due to Emma being sick :( ...poor baby!! So, Emma and I went on the search for something yummy-licious to bake. This process took just about all day. Then we found 3.. at least we narrowed it down to 3! Once Tripp and Gage got home from school they got to VOTE (yeah being a teaching mom there) on which one to make and Taaaa-Da! Pumpkin Crunch Cake one the popular and electoral vote (I was the electoral

This recipe turned out to be super duper simple! Mix wet ingredients, sprinkle dry over wet... toss in oven bake an hour enjoy.. yup my kinda of quick recipe!!

Add wet ingredients together.. like so

Just wait it gets better...

 Sprinkle on dry ingredient..

a.k.a spiced cake mix

Add caramel and cinnamon chips...
instead of pecans


and then.. and then... wait for it... wa-a-ait for it

60 minutes later you get this... 

eating it still hot-ish was sooo good. the middle turns out to be just like pumpkin custard, and the top is crusty and the cinnamon chips taste soo good on top. I am so glad I went with the spiced cake mix verses the yellow cake mix the recipe calls for, it gives it more of a fall taste to it (if you can even taste fall :D )

Just to give your eye some sweet yumminess to stare at, a picture of the center ...

Yeah that's right we ate half of it the first night.. granted it was Jeremy and myself and 2 teenage/ almost teenage boys!

The recipe:

Pumpkin Crunch Cake

  • 1 box yellow cake mix
  • 1 can (15 oz) pumpkin puree
  • 1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped pecans (the original recipe called for 1/2 cup)
  • 1 cup butter, melted
Heat oven to 350 degrees F.  Grease bottom of 9 x 13″ pan.  Mix pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, and salt.  Pour mixture into greased pan.  Sprinkle dry cake mix over pumpkin mixture and top with pecans.  Drizzle melted butter over pecans.  Bake 50-55 minutes.

The site:
By: Cara, 

Well I am off work again today so Em and I are going to go all the way to town stock up on stuff to make and bake.. Can't wait to post again, this time it will be dinner. Thanks to Cuz Shana tonight's menu includes Bacon wrapped meatloaf.. Thanks,  <3 ya!!!

We are off. Leave your thoughts below :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Garlic Cheese Biscuits- RETRY

RETRY.. at the bottom of the original post...  check it out.. scroll down

Fall is here and it seemed fitting to have some stew, soup.. stoup for supper with some sort of biscuits. So I went on the hunt for a biscuit recipe. Granted being from the south biscuit should come pretty naturally.. well not for me. This would mark only my second attempt at biscuits. Now the first attempt (yes I am going there), wasn't to terrible. I looked through cook book after cook book for a recipe that only had the ingredients I had at the time. I found one but the one I found was more like a dinner cookie then a biscuit. but hey it worked.. even put some honey over the top.. mmm mmm!!

Now for the second attempt. Well I found a website.. via Pinterest that had SEVERAL different biscuit recipes. I scrolled through til I found one that sounded good. Garlic Cheese biscuits to go with Three meat Stoup! The stoup was ready to go.. biscuits mixed up following the exact recipe. (I know!! I didn't modify it!) preheated the oven to 450 degrees. Put the delicious smelling babies in the oven.. 12 minutes later this is what we got..  Drum roll please...

Do you see it?!?! They look pretty good right.. only it was still a little doughy.. sadly either the temp was wrong or .. hmmm I don't know what else. The out side of the biscuit.. perfection . even got almost dark brown on the bottom.. not black meaning burnt but brown.. some of the peaks on the biscuit were browned real well.. but the middle not thoroughly cook... hmmm ideas?!?!

The finished dish.. Ta-Da!!!

The Recipe:

Garlic Cheese Biscuits
These little biscuits just melt in your mouth and go with just about any meal. Slathered with melted butter along with the garlic and cheese, they can’t be beat.
2 1/2 cups self-rising flour
1/4 cup vegetable shortening
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1 1/4 cups buttermilk (could use regular milk)
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
Place flour in large bowl.  Cut in shortening until crumbs are the size of peas. Add garlic and sugar.  Stir in cheese and milk.  You can do these as drop biscuits using a tablespoon of batter and dropping onto sprayed baking sheet or you can shape them with your hands and make a larger biscuit.  I did some of both with this batch just to show you.  Bake in preheated 450 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes.  Brush tops with the melted butter.

The Website:

The Southern Lady.. Judy

Now go bake something.....
<3 Tina


So after failing miserably at this first attempt, ok not miserably it was still edible, I decided to try it again maybe using another recipe. So, I did! This time I found one made by Paula Deen.. Mrs. Queen of the south her self. and this time it was right! No doughy in the middle any more!

This batter even looked more like a biscuit dough. Super simple too. Only thing I did do differently, I did not have buttermilk so I simply used whole milk. Still came out good but I am sure with buttermilk it would have been over the top amazing!

This time I took melted butter (like this recipe called for) and then sprinkled a salt, garlic and parsley on the top of these babies!

Perfection! Well maybe not but dang.. they were good and gone by the time dinner ended!

The Recipe:


1 cup buttermilk
1/4   stick butter, melted
3/4 cup grated sharp Cheddar
1/3 cup shortening
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 cup self-rising flour


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a medium bowl, mix flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt together using a fork; cut in shortening until it resembles cornmeal. Add cheese. Stir in buttermilk all at 1 time just until blended. Do not over stir. Drop by tablespoonfuls, or use an ice cream scoop, onto a well greased baking sheet. Brush dough with melted butter. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes.
The site:
By: Mrs. Paula Deen!
Try these out for yourself!

<3  T