Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Salmon Patties

Growing up I don't recall my mother.. well any family member of mine making this. Sorry guys if you did and I just don't remember :(. I was married before (shock I know) and his mother made these for us one night and the family was shocked to hear that I have never had it!! Well long story short my mother-in--law taught me how to make these, and well over the years I have made it sooo many different way! However, I always used the canned salmon. Another bonus of moving to Minnesota... you can get frozen fresh (I know still not "fresh") much cheaper :) yay!!!
So the last time I went shopping I took my time this trip and found individual salmon fillets $1 each! Woohoo I know a few things I can do with that. But when it came down to time to cook the fish.. yes I could broil with seasoning, bake in oven with white wine and lemon.. there are many choices. But I decide to bring back a "classic" to me and re-invent it!

The original recipe as I remember it (yup didn't write that one down.. sheesh):
2 14 oz cans of salmon
1 large egg
4 tbs flour
2 tbs cornmeal
and season to taste
cast iron pan bottom with a heavy coating of shortening. cook one side flip cook the other.
Judy, I am sorry if I got that wrong!!

Now what Tina did.. hang on for this

In a food processor like Cuisinart, put 4 thawed salmon fillets  skinned and cut into chunks  1/2 of a small onion, then quartered, 1 large egg and all your seasoning.

  I mixed (maybe a bit too much) till the onion was chopped up into small pieces. then I added 5 tbs of flour and 2 1/2 tbs of bread crumbs. I pulsed the food processor until I got what I call and thick paste.

Call me prissy.. I didn't want to actually touch the mixture, I knew it would be super stick.. So I used 2 big spoon. I scooped the mixture out like I would a drop cookie. With the back of one spoon I coated with olive oil and pressed the ball down to a patty. I let the bottom side cook until it was golden brown over medium heat ( so the inside would cook) and flipped the patty over. 

My finished patties. Jeremy was out of town so I didn't exactly get an adults opinion and to boot poor Gage is getting sick :) so that left Tripp, Emma and I will we LOVED it .. Tripp ate 4 of them and Emma had 2, woohoo tasty kids approved fish success!!

My recipe:

Salmon Patties

4 Frozen salmon fillets, skinned and cut into chunks
1 Large egg
½ of a small onion, quartered
5 tbs all purpose flour
2 ½ tbs Italian style bread crumbs
1 tbs Garlic
½ tbs Salt
½ tbs pepper
Put into a food processor Salmon, onion, egg, garlic, salt and pepper. Pulse until the ingredients are well combined. Next add in the flour and bread crumbs. Pulse until all the ingredient are combine and are starting to form what looks like a dough, a wet dough. Form into 1 ½ inch balls. Place into a frying pan with about a tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat. Flatten with the back of a spoon (coat the back of the spoon with oil so it doesn’t stick) til the patty is about ¼ inch thick. Once browned on one side, flip. Cook until that side is done. Your patty should be cooked all the way through. Enjoy

Try it for you self, like it pass it on.. don't like PLEASE leave some feed back on how to make it better!! 

<3 T

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