Thursday, November 15, 2012

Slow Roasted Venison Sirloin Tip Roast

Happy hunting fellow hunters!! This deer season turned out very well for our family! We "tagged out".. for those of you who may not know what this means, let me explain the best I can seeing as I am not the avid hunter in the family :) We had 3 tags so far this year for 1 deer a piece. Jeremy shot 1, Tripp and Gage both got their first ones this year :) Super proud mommy moment, you know the one when you see your boys becoming young men with the best teacher possible :) .. Jeremy!

 Tripp and his 5 pointer

Jeremy and his Spike Buck

Gage and his "Knubber".. Basically a younger buck!

Ok.. that's enough with show and tell.. now on to the good stuff! With all this wonderful meat, makes wonderful meals with fresh hormone free yumminess! Tonight's menu included 1 sirloin tip roast from Tripp's deer and 1 from Jeremy's deer. With Tripp's I used McCormick's pre-made cowboy rub.. Pretty simple.

Now for Jeremy's roast I used about a tablespoon of each of the following spices: salt, pepper, garlic, Morton's nature seasoning. Also, about 1/2 tablespoon of paprika (to give it a some what smokey flavor).

I placed both rubbed down roasts in to a foil lined 9 x 13 pan, not touching each other. I took about 5 small to medium sized potatoes cubed up, baby carrots and a small onion sliced and spread around the roasts. I took 3 garlic cloves and chopped into thick slices (about 4-5 slices per clove) and sprinkled the garlic around the dish. lastly adding about 1/2 cup of water and covering with foil.

Place the whole thing in a pre-heated oven to 300 degrees and let it just slowly cook for about 3 1/2 hours. When I took mine out of the oven I ended up with this beautiful hunk of yumminess!

Oh my yummy goodness.. what is this?!?!?

This would be the most delicious roast I have put in my mouth in a long while!

Now the the left over drippings in the bottom of the pan.. did I throw them away.. NO SIR!!

I pour it in to a sauce pan, turned the burner on medium heat til the liquid gold stated to boil, add just enough flour (by sight, add and stir, add and stir) til the liquid started to thicken removed from the heat and mixed with a small whisk until we had a smooth mix and used this as gravy over our meat and veggies!


Ok since this is my own of the top of my head recipe lets see if I can make it look like one..hehehe :)

Tina's sirloin tip rub:

1 tbs Salt
1 tbs Pepper
1 tbs Garlic
1 tbs Morton's Natures Seasoning
1/2 tbs Paprika
4-5 small - medium potatoes, cubed into bite size pieces
2 cups baby carrots, whole
1 small onion, sliced
3-4 Garlic cloves, sliced
1/2 cup water

Pre-heat over to 300 degrees. In a bowl mix first 5 ingredients, rub all over your roast- yes even the bottom. Place into a 9 x 13 pan lined with foil, heavy duty. Next, put potatoes, carrots and onion all around the roast. sprinkle garlic slice over the top of it all. Pour in water, cover with foil. Place in 300 degree over for 3- 3 1/2 hours. remove from oven take roast out of the pan and let it sit for about 5 minutes the slice and serve with veggies on the side. Take remaining liquid from bottom of pan and place this in a small sauce pan over medium heat just til it starts to boil. Sprinkle in flour til the liquid starts to thicken, remove from heat. Pour desired amount over your meat and veggies... and enjoy!

Go cook.. let us know how your turns out! If you modify this recipe at all lets us know what you did and how it turned out, be creative!!

<3 T


  1. Going to try this with the steaks tonight... Looks too good. Thanks again for sharing a bit of your bounty with us! Love to you all!

  2. I am really excited that your trying it :).. Please let me know how it turns out! Much love to all of you as well! And of course we would share our bounty with you, that's what family does!

  3. I have a perfectly yummy roast that will get this treatment, minus cooking the veggies with it (the hubby is more of a "smashed taters" guy and won't even think about eating a carrot), I will probably go ahead and throw in an onion and some garlic slices though!! I can't wait to see how this turns out. to get the yumminess started!! Thanks for sharing. I'll let you know how it turns out!

  4. Lacey, I do hope your roast came out as mouth watering as mine did!! Just for a future suggestion (this coming from my hubby) if your darling hubby won't eat carrots, smash them in with the mashed tators! I know sounds crazy but it works. Funny story.. real quick. Our sister-in-law does NOT like carrots, however she cooks them in EVERYthing.... and who would have thought things like spagghetti with carrots, and mashed tator work with carrots in them!!
