Monday, November 19, 2012

Roasted Bacon Potatoes

This turned out to be a super yummy side dish, that I am so glad I am getting in the habit of writing down the recipes! Cause it will be made again! This recipe came to me 1. cause I really wanted potatoes and 2. I have bacon that needed to be used.. oh darn!

Not much to this recipe... hooray!! Cube up about 5-7 small to medium potatoes. Take 1/4 pound of bacon pre sliced, then cut even smaller. Lay the potatoes out flat on a foil line cookie sheet, sprinkle bacon over the top. Whew, I know that was the hardest part (other then wanting this to be done waaaay sooner)! Next take your seasoning and sprinkle that over the top, lastly take olive oil and drizzle that over the top. Now for the messy part.. get your hand in the mix! Using your hand just kinda lightly mixed everything so it all has a touch of yumminess on it! Flatten back out on the cookie sheet an place it in a 375 degree oven for about an hour. I know an hour!! (Ok.. so this is the toughest part, waiting and smelling the yumminess!)

I did open the oven almost every 15- 20 minutes to kinda toss the potatoes around to make sure the cooked evenly.

Oh my yummy goodness!!
The final plate! I served the potatoes with BBQ Venison Meatballs and Garlic Cheese Biscuits, the retried version that is, and some mixed veggies sauteed in butter.

The Recipe:

Roasted Bacon Potatoes:

5-7 small to medium potatoes, cubed
1/4 lb sliced bacon, cut finely
1 tbs pepper
1 tbs garlic
1/2 tbs Italian seasoning
1/2 tbs salt
2 tbs Olive Oil

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Place cubed potatoes in a single layer on a foil lined baking sheet. Sprinkle bacon over the top. In a small bowl place all the spice together and toss with a fork. Sprinkle spice mix over the top of the potatoes and bacon. Drizzle over the olive oil. Message in with hands. Put in oven for 45 - 60 minutes, or until the potatoes are cooked thoroughly. Stirring potatoes around every 15- 20 minutes. Serve.

By: Tina's great mind!

Try it out.. leave a comment if desired. Most importantly GO BAKE!

<3  T

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