Monday, January 28, 2013

Batter Fried Pork

Nothing much different in this dish then the Beer Battered Venison Nuggets. I did try a new technique... and they came out great!! For this I took 4 fresh pork chops, ours were cut pretty think. So i trimmed the meat away from the bone then thinly sliced the meat into 2-3 "patties". I did not preseason the meat. I then made up the beer batter and a flour dip as well. In the flour dip I used the same amount of seasoning and the same seasonings as in the beer batter. And this night I decided since I had fresh dill I add dill into both the batter and the flour.

I used regular vegetable oil, heated it up to 400 degrees. I then dipped the pork into the batter then the flour mix and into the hot oil it went. About 8 minutes on each side.

The pork came out is these beautiful crispy crust. The taste was excellent with just a hint of dill :)

Now I made these with a side of Sauteed red potatoes, a green salad and some left over rice. This meal was an absolute hit with the troops!! They loved it.. only left.. sadly.. the left overs.. hahah!

Now you have another batter recipe.. go give it a try!!

<3 T

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sauteed red potato, onion and mushroom

This idea popped into my head simply cause Jeremy bought mushrooms at that store cause he really wanted mushrooms with a steak we had. Well, I was unsure of his plans for the shrooms so I cut a few up and put them on the top of a green salad.... needless to say we had some left over... as they were forgotten as a steak topper :)

I sat and thought of different ways to incorporate potatoes and mushrooms.. well this is what my lovely mind came up with.. and I did sit for a while to figure out just how to do this and with what seasonings... Here's what you get...

 I took  5 medium red potatoes and cubed them up..

Next, I sliced up a small to medium sized yellow onion, sliced the mushrooms.... chopped fresh dill..

Then, drizzled some olive oil over the top. Sprinkled salt, pepper, garlic and a dash of paprika...

I cooked these until the potatoes were cooked through (mashable with the back of a spoon). Your onions and mushrooms will be perfectly sauteed and all the flavors well melded! I served this with Beer Battered pork fillets.

Now, get in your kitchen and create...
<3 T

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Not your "classic" Kale soup...

My mother loves Kale soup and has made it myself and my kiddos for years.. Well my boys just absolutely love it. Now being so far from Granny its hard for them so call Granny up and ask her to make them some.  I called mom up and asked what all goes in it.. when she told me I was like "WOW!!, That's it?!?!?!" What Granny does is use Kielbasi, Great Northern Beans (or Canneli beans), Chicken broth and of course fresh Kale.  I of course being who I am.. I wanted to make this but using what I had!

So back during Thanks giving we deep fried a turkey. I did save the bones and slowly cooked them all day to make broth. My wonderful in-laws took some fresh ground pork added lots of love with seasoning, some with beer and some with spicy peppers.. yummy!! then smoked them! with all that being said this is what I did...

Turkey broth... yes still frozen...

Smoked Sausage....

Red onions in the bath too ...  :)

Finally the Kale and great northern beans..

Pretty simple :)

2 cups turkey broth
1/2 red onion
2 cans of great northern beans
1/2 bunch of Kale, cut
6 medium sized smoked sausages
2 cups of water

heat and serve.  I would season the the broth you may chose to use, mine I made so it was already seasoned.. with what you may ask.. I think a little of this and a little of that.. some where in there some salt and some Italian seasoning.. I think.. hahah!

Now go get in the kitchen!!
<3  T

Homemade Fries

This is nothing super special... most folks know what fries are and how to make them from frozen or fresh. So, this is nothing new.. just basically me ranting about my success with a homemade fast food meal :)

I had a few potatoes left that needed to be used.. so I washed them up cut them up.. and in my mind... into perfect fries.. hahaha!

I then took the one pot in my house allowed to hot oil in it.. for now :) I tried to have the temp between 250 and 300 degrees..

Now I did a double dip.. I put the fries in for 10 minutes took them out.. they were not done cooking yet.. I let them sit for 10 minutes (put another batch in alternating).. then put them back in for another 10 minutes.  This to me creates a crispier skin and a soft middle... very delicious!!

Now for us I sprinkled our finished fries with Tony Chachere's Cajun seasoning... But you could use anything.. just salt, or even plain!! try it you self with your version of my Cheese Stuffed Burgers.. :)

You totally have to tried this when you get the chance.. and as always leave a comment on you results!

<3  T

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cheese Stuffed... Burgers?!?!

Cheese Stuffed... Fresh beef hamburgers... This sounded AMAZING... I even dreamt about them. So, it was kinda a no brainer from what we were having with dinner! Starting with 2 lbs of ground beef from our lovely neighbors freezer, the best tasting beef I think I have ever had.. adding in 2 tbsp ranch, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp garlic, 3 tsp pepper, 1/2 tsp red pepper and 1 tsp chili powder and paprika. Mix together with one my very best utensils.. my hand!


Made half a patty... placed some sandwich cheese in the middle (pepper jack, smoked cheddar and provolone).. placed the other half of the patty and did my best to seal the cheese in the middle...

Using our George Foreman grill (couldn't grill out side in -21 degree weather) I cooked the patties.. set out all the delicious condiments and let them build..

Here are some of the creations made...

Tripp's pepper jack filled burger with ranch, mustard and red onion on a kaiser roll

Gage's Smoked cheddar burger with American cheese on top and ketchup on a kaiser roll

Mine... Provolone stuffed burger with wasbi mustard, my Horseradish BBQ Sauce, ranch dressing and red onion on a poppy seed kaiser roll

All of these fine burgers were served with Homemade Fries... This meal beats a fast food meal any day. Better quality meat and potatoes! Our choice of rolls or bread... the fries seasoned the way we wanted... Who could ask for anything better?!?! Truly "anyway you want it"!!

Now, go try something new.. try your own revamped fast food meal!! :)

Much <3, 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chicken salad paninis with green salad and sauteed oranges

I know... I know it's been way too long since the last blog. Just seems like I personally fall into a non motivational rut after Christmas. Well the last few days I have found some kinda of spark again. Starting first with wanting to get back in the kitchens and try things to finally wanting to take the time to document what I am doing. Ok, so I am a complete slacker and took an extended break to re-group my thoughts :)

I got the creative spark today starting with doughnut. Doughnuts?!?!?!... you say well no this particular post is not going to be about doughnuts, however maybe in the near future... Just saying ;) But while thinking about doughnuts I thought chicken and what am I going to do with 3 cans of canned chicken?!?! I have been wanting to make tuna salad melts for a few days now, so I thought I can make chicken salad paninis with our new George Foreman.. Yes we bought a George Foreman grill for the kitchen!

I took 3 cans of chicken, 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 table spoon of mustard 2 teaspoons of horseradish, 1 1/2 teaspoons of salts 1 1/2 teaspoons of pepper, 2 teaspoons garlic, 1/4 teaspoon of paprika, 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper. 1/4 cup of queso cheese.
Mine looked like this....

Chicken Salad before and after adding the queso...

Then since we are totally awesome and have had the most wonderful opportunity to purchase our own meat.. I mean fresh, so fresh that we all pitched in at some part of the butchering process... we are able to make our own bacon. I cut and cooked up a few pieces of bacon to put on the paninis as well...

Now Gage seemed to be the picky one this time and wanted his panini on white bread.. so he basically had a glorified grilled cheese and chicken salad sandwich. Tripp went for the rye bread, as so did Jer and I. I also made a few on Italian seasoned flat bread.....


The construction of the sandwich (including the glorified grilled sammie) And the salad you ask.. super simple.. bagged salad mix (not very creative there) and2 fresh large navel oranges peeled wedged and then cut in half, sauteed in a frying pan with mango juice. Drizzled homemade ranch and some of the extra bacon cut into bits....

This had very good reviews.. Gage even classed his "panini" in his top 3 fave foods.. ha! what a great kid! Now, it's your turn to try this. You can even try and make it healthier and skip the bacon and swap the mayo for salad dressing. On the green salad you could use a good vinaigrette or and ginger sesame dressing... food for thought!
Now go bake/cook something!!
<3 T