Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cookie Pie

I asked my youngest 2 children what they wanted to make for dessert today.. Of course I get the "i don't know" kinda answer.. :) so to Pinterest we went.. Pictures do wonders with younger kids when looking for what to make! We found a picture of M&M Cookie Pie and it was agreed that is what we would attempt to make. I perused the ingredient list and found that I did not have brown sugar, and of course did not feel like trekking to town to buy some either so I googled for what I could use for a supplement. And low and behold (lesson for the day) brown sugar is nothing more then white sugar and molasses. I read that I could equally substitute white sugar for brown. so I did :)

We waited for the butter to come to room temperature, which allowed time for the 3 oldest to make their way home from school. I now had 3 helpers, who all wanted a turn helping make dessert and of course the funnest thing of all, watching the mixer spin...

We creamed the butter and sugar together...

Added 1 egg.. (Tristan cracked his first egg ever, with NO mistakes!!! )

Added vanilla extract...

Lastly, I added the dry ingredients to the mixed wet ingredients, and of course gave everybody another turn at watching the paddle spin. Then I poured the well incorporated mixture in to a greased pie dish...

Then baked in the oven which for us took about 30 minutes...

And after everyone ate all of their dinner the got a to eat their hard work :)

The pie came out great.. but it really was like a cake. soft and moist, didn't even need a drink with it!! We obviously did not have M&Ms on hand so Hayden choose peanut butter chips for the flavor choice! 

The recipe:
M&M Cookie Pie
1cup + 1 tbs  AP Flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 cup butter softened (I used "light" country spread)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 Texas shaped container of M&M's- OR- 1-ish cup.

Preheat oven to 325*
Cream butter and sugar. Add in egg and extract and blend. The combine flour and baking soda- mix until completely incorporated. Fold in the M&M's. Dump into a greased 9.5" pie pan and bake for 25-30 mins. You know the drill, when a toothpick/ridiculously small pairing knife comes out clean it's donzo.
Cool, cut into cookie pie slices and enjoy!

The Site:

By: Susan Dikeman, FYI great blog!! you should check her out!

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as my family did!

Go get in your kitchen and try something new!

<3 T

Made this again, followed the recipe (only I forgot the the baking soda, but it was even more fantastic with out it!)

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