Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Delicious Pie Bars

This adventure actually started cause my ever so cute husband has been craving blueberries for a few weeks now. I had already been on the hunt for a good blueberry recipe. I found blueberries cream cheese bread, but it was wayyyyyy to involved and I wasn't sure I had the patients for all of that. The next thing was a pie, I then went hunting for a pie recipe and found Blueberry Pie Bars. To my surprise the recipe looked super easy. I did make the recipe to a tee the first go round with the blueberry and only added drizzled honey over the top. Then with such rave reviews I was told I most blog about this one. So, back to baking with the camera I went. I did not have any blueberries left, but strawberries I did have! :)

I went to cutting strawberries. I soon found I had more then enough for one pan of bars but not quiet enough for 2 pans. I knew I had some rhubarb (thanks to the amazing sis-in-law) in the freezer, took out about 1 1/2 cups to thaw... Then continued cubing strawberries :)

I swear it was the most perfect spring day this weekend while baking an amazing spring desert <3
Love the way the sun light hit the strawberries and cutting board!

Once I had the strawberries all cut up I then drizzled about 1 1/2 tbsp of honey over the top and 1 1/2 tbps of sugar. I let the mixture sit for about 5-7 minutes to "marry". I took out about 1/2 cup of strawberries and added them with the Rhubarb in a medium sauce pan. I then added about 1/2 cup of water and 1/4 cup of sugar to the pot and brought to a boil...

The smell of this mixture boiling was to amazing for words to describe. I did end up adding about 1 tbsp of honey to the pot too...

I let the strawberry-rhubarb mixture boil down until it reduced to a nice thick/ creamy mix. Once the consistency was where I liked it I turned the heat off and added 1 tsp of Vanilla. This is what I got...

The flavor for me was spot on.. tart yet sweet! 

I set this aside to cool off and started on the crust... flour, sugar, salt and butter... plus a food processor...

You mixed the flour, sugar and salt together until it is mixed. Then add the cold butter, cut into 1/2 inch pieces, into the flour mix. Process until it is well mixed and still crumbly. Set aside 1 1/2 cups of the crumbles to put on the top of the bars. Take the remaining amount and spread, then press into the bottom of a lightly greased 8x8 square dish...

I did 2 batches not a double batch. I did this cause I wanted the amounts to be correct, and not be guessing at what was half of the mix  :)

Once I had both crusts made and pressed I started on the batter. I mixed all the wet ingredients together, egg, sugar, sour cream, flour and vanilla, in a metal mixing bowl and a whisk by hand... (I know supper mom!!)

Then add in the strawberries that have been marrying in the fridge for 30 minutes by this point and so very happy!!

Once you add the fruit in FOLD, not stir, fold the fruit into the batter (which every time I made this the batter was not thick). Then pour the final mix on top of the pressed crust.. like so....

This looks heavenly at this point it was hard to not try it right then and there....

The next step was possibly the easiest (like any of this was hard) Sprinkling the crumb topping over the bars...

Place this in the oven at 350 degrees for 45-55 minutes, or until the center is done. For me this took about 65 minutes.. but with all that time on my hands I had time to ponder how to make this even better. I got it.. and glaze/icing to drizzle over the top...

1/4 Cup of whole milk
8-9 tbsp of powdered sugar
Mix together until you get your desired thickness. I left mine a bit runny so I could drizzle of the tip of a spoon...

Finally.. the bars are done!! time to take them out let them cool, drizzle even more goodness on top.. then EAT!!

I was so hard to not eat every square inch of the bars but, it was dinner time.. so a waiting we went... once dinner and baths were done we finally got to try this.. WOW!! so worth the wait.. I am sure we will make this one again and again and again...




Now it is your turn to go make these and make them a hit in your home.. TONIGHT!!

Go- Get in there.. don't hesitate this is simple and you CAN make it!!

<3 T


  1. Oh, looks soooo good! This will be a definate try! thanks!

  2. I am glad I could inspire you! these pie bars are amazing and after trying a few flavors I wanna try more.. I am thinking of making it with peaches maybe even pineapple! What would you use?!?!
