Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ranch Chuck Roast with carrots and onions

My husband is a beautiful man.. Knowing he would be leaving for Texas for a week he took out some meat for me to cook on my days of from work. One of the fine choices he left for me was a fresh beef chuck roast. I love cooking roast.. why?!?!... 1) cause I can place it in a Crockpot or oven for a long period of time while I get other house stuff done, like laundry.. sigh, 2) there are some many options with veggies to cook with it and what different seasonings you can use fresh or dried. My task this time how do I get 5 kids with different pallets to eat the same meal with out the help of an extra adult in the house. So I perused my spice rack, what spice I have anyways and found an extra packet of Ranch for dressing. That was it!! All of the kiddos like ranch!

I started with a fine piece of meat and a medium yellow onion. I did not use any oil in the pan and I cut the onion into 8 chunks.

Next, I took some organic carrots I had sitting in my tiny fridge (yes our fridge is an "apartment fridge", very tiny) and cut them into "chunks". I had made some beef broth cubes earlier this year so took out 6 cubes and placed them in the pan the sprinkled the ranch packet over the top of everything...

This is the best part.. place the roast in a 325 degree oven and let'er buck.. ha ha! I love my husband and his sayings :). For this particular roast I let it cook in the oven for about 2 hours and it was pulling aways from the bone and nice and tender! So, I started making my side which included baked mac-N-cheese which I made with sharp cheddar cheese this time and broccoli. For the broccoli I steamed it and used some of the extra cheese sauce and poured over the top... Then the roast was perfect...

I know my camera skills were not the best last night..he he but it was the best picture out of all I took. In my defense (I know excuses) I did have 5 kids playing near by and hollering they are STARVING... I swear it is funny how dramatic a 4 and 5 year old can be when it comes to food! :)

This recipe idea I am sure can be applied to other types of meat and roasts.. so you mission, if you choose to accept, find you perfect piece of meat and try it with beef broth and ranch and see what you think. My kiddos LOVE the ranch flavor.. the ate up every bite! Even my 4 and 5 years old who both had tummy troubles that morning!

I call this recipe a SUCCESS!!

Your turn, go create!

<3 T

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