Monday, April 15, 2013

Salt and Lime Guacamole.. Ole!

We had a fun fun weekend with the family over!! Lots of time spent tromping through the woods collecting sap and even sitting in the sugar shack boiling the sap down.. all while it was snowing outside on and off, more on then off :). A beautiful way to bring in the spring! So, I did stay back a few times.. ok most of the time due to the little ones and my stupid toes being cold.. Northern Minnesota what are you going to do.. ha ha! I made treats for the troops! I made Cookie Pie with all the right ingredients including the M&M's.. salsa (which I will not post that recipe until I have all the FRESH ingredients.. I used canned tomatoes..sigh) and guacamole!

Whilst napping had commenced and the oldest 6 kiddos were out sapping with 5 adults.. I did my thing in the kitchen. starting with juicing 1 1/2 limes:

Next, I chopped up fresh cilantro and chive, from my window herb garden :) Now, the amount use can be up to you, I used, chopped, lets say about a tsp of cilantro and a 1/2 tsp of chive..

Next, I added about (since i always forget to measure!) 1/2 tsp of pepper, 1/2 tsp of salt (which I added a whole tsp of salt later, Salt is definitely to the individual taste buds!) and a tsp (give or take) of our homemade horseradish..

I had a fresh tomato left over from when the hubbs made burgers for the kiddos.. I diced up the whole tomato, reserving about 1/3 of the tomato and chopping if smaller to add in later. I diced up about 1/2 to 2/3 of a medium yellow onion...

Notice I am stirring each addition with a fork to help all the ingredients to marry nicely with each other. So my next step was to cut, pit and dice the avocado up. Of course I bought 3 fresh avocados to which 1 of the 3 was still a bit "green".. it funny to call a green fruit/veg "green" when it is not quite ripe enough.. he he. Once, the avocado is dice I place ALL the ingredients in to my food processor and pressed go..

One the mix got to the texture that I think it good for guac, (which for me is just before pureed, still has some little lumps) I poured it into a bowl. Remember the reserve tomatoes.. insert now!!

Looks, good right?!?!? Ok stir the tomatoes in, put the guac in a container let sit in the fridge and get happy, for me this was like 4 hours before the crew got back to try a snack while waiting on dinner. Spoon some in a bowl, or tea cup like me and my awesome serving dishes, serve with tortilla chips.. and ENJOY!!

Alright lets see if I can type up a recipe for you *wink, wink*

The Recipe:
3 Ripe avocados
1 vine ripe tomato, diced
1/2 medium yellow onion, diced
juice of 1 1/2 limes
1/2 tsp of pepper
1 1/2 tsp salt (depending on your pallet)
1 tsp horseradish
1 tsp fresh cilantro
1/2 tsp fresh chive

Starting with the lime juice add in the pepper, salt, horseradish, cilantro and chive. Stir together with a fork. Once well combined added in your tomato (reserving out 1/3) and onion, stir with the fork. Once combined, again, add in the avocado and pour in to the food processor. Process together until you get the consistency of almost baby food (nice description right?!?!) or the texture you desire. Pour from processor into another container, stir in the remaining tomato, cover and chill in fridge til your ready to eat! Enjoy!

Now, its your turn again.. go get in your kitchen and see what your wonderful mind creates!

<3 T

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