Saturday, April 20, 2013

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, with banana

I got a bit "off" the other day and just had the will to bake but lacked creativity... So what does any blogger do.. I suppose :) I polled my Facebook page as to what they would like to see. The final verdict, after taking and combining several suggestions (sorry Dad, but I just couldn't do the Christmas shaped), Oatmeal Chocolate Chips cookies with purple chocolate drizzle.. Crazy right?!?! I love my Facebook fans <3

First thing I suppose I should apologize, dealing with the 5 wonderful kiddos in and out of the kitchen asking 1 million and 1 questions and such.... I failed to take a lot of pictures.. SORRY :(... On to the adventure in Nordlund's Yumminess Lab...

Our adventure starts off (that day anyways) with beautiful Spring day.. RIGHT?!?!

 4 inches of snow (followed by 12-14 inches over the next day) was one way to be inspired to bake.. :)

I went to Pinterest, as usual, to find a pretty easy oatmeal cookie recipe the I could tweak. Found one, however realizing this after I wanted to bake.. I found I had NO butter.. sigh to Google I went to find a substitute: Banana. So with the one stick of butter I mustard up I substituted the other stick of butter with 1 banana. 1 banana = 1 stick of butter. The hubs says healthy eating I say butter alternative stumbling upon healthiness :)

I throw the batter together following the recipe to the letter (except for that butter issue)...

I began the cookie making process, the first 10 cookies I may have been a little heavy hand with the spooning of the batter using about a tablespoon of batter per cookie, the rest I slimmed it back some to about a teaspoon size...

While the yummy cookies were baking I used a double boiler system to melt white almond bark (aka white chocolate in my and added 1/4 cup of milk to thin it out some, 2 drops of blue food coloring and 4 drops of red food coloring to get purple!

As the cookies cooled I drizzled the the purple mix over them to give a nice look and added flavor to the cookie :)

Then I got really adventurous and thought hmmm... use all banana no butter and make oatmeal bars for a hearty breakfast treat... Oh what a great choice!!!

The recipe:

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup butter, softened
1 ½ cups light brown sugar, packed
½ cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 ¾ cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
¼ tsp. nutmeg
3 cups rolled oats
1 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375°.
In a large bowl beat butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar, eggs and vanilla with a hand held mixer until well blended. In a medium bowl combine flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Add dry ingredients to butter mixture, stirring until just combined.
Fold in rolled oats and chocolate chips. Drop dough by rounded tablespoons about 2 inches apart onto a cookie sheet.
Bake for 8-10 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Cool 2 minutes and remove to wire rack to cool completely.
The site:
Now, go off and try it too!! Oh so good you won't regret it!
<3  T

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