Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Easy Cake Doughnuts

Easy Cake doughnuts! I has to be easy or I would not have had the balls to do I have no idea why mentally I will be so timid in the kitchen when working with things such as yeast. The fear of failure, maybe that's why.. Who knows.

Anyways, our family loves doughnuts. it is a big debate on cake doughnuts vs yeast doughnuts. I do believe the majority of the house enjoys the yeast doughnuts more.. BOO! One day I will try do make yeast one, but for now I am just proud I made cake doughnuts! and they actually looked like doughnuts and tasted YUMMY!!

I love shopping at Salvation Army and Goodwill and other local thrift stores for old kitchen gadgets. well older then now gadgets. So I cam across a doughnut maker and felt compelled to buy it! I mean who could say no to $1.79 and a challenge?! Not this chick! and bonus.. I came with the recipes on the side panel! Yay!!

I stuck with the top recipe, "BEST Donuts" and the only ingredient missing was cinnamon. No biggie, it was just fine with out! Besides this recipe.. simple and super easy to follow. It says:

"BEST" Donuts
2 eggs
1 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons shortening, melted
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup milk

Beat eggs and sugar together. Add cooled shortening. Add sifted dry ingredients, alternating with milk. Mix thoroughly and put into donut maker. French fried at 375 degrees.

That's it! Super simple. I did just what it said (minus the cinnamon)

Gathered my things I would need to get started. Now, before I could EVEN get started I had to reclaim my kitchen from the minions in my house! Meaning, I cleaned it up and rearranged it to make it more functional and less kid piles everywhere!

Next, I sifted most of the dry ingredients, then started beating the eggs and sugar together. With 1/2 a cup of flour to sift in I added the cooled shortening.

Before I started adding the dry ingredients and the milk, I put vegetable oil in the dutch oven and turned it on medium heat. Then, I started alternating the dry with the milk... it will get to a sticky dough consistency.

I took about a table spoonful of the dough and put it in the oil to test it, while I filled the doughnut maker up. Now it is difficult to get the dough into the maker, with out getting it on the push button (to release the dough) and the sides.. lol OH well!! Your not really having fun unless your getting a smidge dirty in the process!

To my surprise this little guy rolled over all on its As you can see the doughnut ball is still light in color cause the oil isn't quiet hot enough yet.

But once it is.. you really need a thermometer to clip on the side of you pot to watch the temp. it can get too hot..

I was trying to one handed capture the doughnut maker in action.. I am just not quick enough.. anyways the little cap on the bottom pushes down when you push on the top "button" and the dough starts to slowly pour down. when you release the button the cap comes back up breaking off the dough leaving a hole in the middle. Making a ring!

Here is me just taking an over abundance of pictures.. cause it was SO COOL making these!!

Awesome right?!?

Looks good right?! Even the ones a tad bit darker?! (yeah, that oil can get to hot.. you should probably get a candy thermometer for it!)


I couldn't just stop there.. not then the crowd was asking for a some glaze!! How about Maple glaze?

Maple Glaze:

2 tablespoons maple syrup
1 cup powdered sugar (or more depending on consistency)

Put 2 tablespoons of maple syrup in a small bowl. Start with 1 cup powdered sugar and mix with a fork. You want a runny consistency for your glaze. Add more powdered sugar is it is too runny.

The dip just the tops of your doughnut into the glaze. Rest them on a bakers wire rack with wax paper under neath to catch the glaze drippings...

You are soooooo welcome! Even if you don't have a doughnut maker.. MAKE THIS BATTER.. spoon it in to the oil.. glaze.. or roll in powdered sugar OR cinnamon and sugar! so many possibilities.. what will you come up with?!

Enjoy! let me know if you have any feed back, just drop a line in the comments!

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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