Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Garden 2015: Week 3

Garden 2015:

Week 3

WAIT!?!?!... What happened to week 2?! Well, funny story see.. I had to take 2 of my babies down to Georgia for mandatory family time.. so I was gone from the end of week 1 to the end of weeks 2. I can and will however, share with you the pictures I did take before week 3! Yay!! Happy Happy Plants!

So I couldn't help myself.. I figured it was better to have too many then not enough and transplanted the tomato plants that had 2-4 plants per pod.

Have you noticed?! My super awesome husband bought me a green house!! YIPPEY!! only we have LOTS of wind here and well, plastic doesn't hold up against our 20-40 MPH winds..sigh

All of the above pictures were taking mostly on 4/10/15. which was the day after I returned from Georgia. the following are your week 3 pictures!! I love the amount of growth in just 3 weeks!


Broccoli.. the picture right below are a variety that came from my moms prep garden in Indiana! She planted a few too many broccoli's so these babies will live here!

 Cauliflower above and cabbage below

I love that my boys are so helpful and willing to lend a hand. I just have to get them a bit better about labeling! lol so the above is a mix of broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, below are our sweet and hot peppers that finally graced us with there presence!

Tomatoes!! again with the whole labeling issue.. My cutie pie saw tomatoes and mixed them all together! so we shall see what is placed with what later on down the season! <3

Below are our cucumbers! 1 tray of pickling, 1 tray of slicing and 1 tray that's up for grabs..lol.. Ok not totally up for grabs.. I know there are 6 Patty Pan squash mixed in there :)

Above: Patty Pan Squash, Below: Cabbage

Above: Cucumber, Below: Zucchini

Above: Pumpkin, Below: Broccoli

The rest are for your viewing pleasure! Enjoy!

Well there you have it folks! Week 3 and it is still looking a lot like spring around here! Maybe soon enough we wont have to bring the plants in every night!

Stay tuned.. there a whole bunch more growing on and happening around here!

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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