Monday, April 13, 2015

Crescent Series: Brie and Peaches

The Crescent Series... this is sure turning out to be fun! And totally delicious! I know I have said it already (and I am sure I will say it a millions times!) Crescent rolls are so versatile!

This time I took an old recipe, Baked Brie with Peaches, tweaked the peaches with yummy goodness and then added in the use of Crescent rolls! Let the fun begin..

Starting with 4 fresh peaches that were peeled and sliced (frozen) in a sauce pan and heat up on low allowing their natural juices to escape..

While my peaches were warming up I searched for what to add to the peaches.. this is where it is fun to get creative! I grabbed our homemade maple syrup, homemade vanilla extract (made with rum) and finely ground hazelnuts (left over from making homemade hazelnut extract!).. Oh yes!!! I am about to go there!!

I added 3/4 cup maple syrup
2 tbsp Vanilla extract
2 tsp finely ground hazelnuts

Stirred all that goodness together.. I did bring the mixture to a low boil then reduced to a simmer. I let the reduce down for about 1 1/2 hours.

This is about the consistency I wanted like a preserve. I cant eve really tell you the smell.. A sweet peachy beginning with a buttery maple hazelnutty ending.. Yumminess to the extreme! While I let this cool, I took out to refrigerated crescent rolls. I attempted to do a "star burst" pattern with 12 crescent triangles.. I missed

I redid the math in my head (like I always do.. after the fact) and you should end up with 8 crescents on the bottom and 4 on the top.. Anyways, play around with it and see what design works best for you..

I placed a wheel of Brie in the center.. Scarping of some of the top rind (really wishing I had removed it all) then topped it with my peach reduction (yeah brain slip and I forgot to take a photo.. oppsies!) Then one by one I folded the triangles over. once done I took the remaining 4 crescents and sealed all around the edges and curled the top CUTE!

This is how mine turned out before baking it. Not too bad if I may say so. I baked it at 375 degrees for about 17-20 minutes.

Unfortunately the middle was still doughy.. So here are my suggestions.. lower the temp.. duh!

350 degrees for 20-22 minutes OR
325 degrees for 25-27 minutes

Enjoy with crackers! The taste sweet and savory, Creamy.. maple and hazelnut.. just mouth watering!

Give this a try at your next party or get together.. Total cost would be around $15 (that's for the Brie, peaches and crescent rolls)

Crescent Series:

Pineapple, Cream Cheese and Chocolate

Keep coming back for more fun recipes!

<3  T
Simply Always, Tina

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