Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sapping: The End to 2015

April 12th, 2015.. that was the last day for sapping, untapping, and boiling down to syrup! While there were 9 wonderful people were out and about in the woods, collecting sap and removing taps, washing buckets and taps. As well as boiling down the last bits of sap collected.

I stayed back with 2 very wonderful ladies for a warm afternoon heating syrup and filling containers. this process took us about 5 hours to get through 21 3/4 gallons of syrup..

Before everyone had gathered to where I was that would be canning, I got some times in with some pretty cool

Starting with the first 7 gallons, and my photo opportunity, Arron showed me the ropes..

Start by heating up the syrup.. not quite to a boil but hot..

Next we scooped out the hot syrup and funneled it into glass (warmed in the oven) containers

This is the first 7 gallons of syrup!

Next I took over repeating the process. Fill the large stock pots with cool syrup and heat them up, then canning..

Til it was all complete!! here is 14 3/4 gallons of syrup! Official total 31 1/4 gallons of syrup! best year yet, to date!

Thank you for following along with our sapping year 2015! Here are the links back to the beginning of this season:


Catch you next year on our sapping journey 2016..

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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