Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Garden 2015: Week 5

Week 5 ALREADY?!?! Part of me is Soooooo ready to put these plants into the ground.. the other part can not believe it has been 5 weeks already! With 1 mishap so far, with a fine come back.. I have to say so far its been awesome! Fingers crossed the make it through the night (4/28/2015) in the green house! We all remember what happened last time right?! If not go back and read Week 4.

This week I have seen a lot of growth and even started a few more things. Like I believe I stated in "almost week 1" Some of these Garden 2015 post will just simply be pictures. Nothing really to say about this week other then.. its getting warm out QUICK. Now, I fear the plants will dry out and or die in the green house! UGH.. the mind of a worrier/over thinker!.. ON to the show..lol

Week 15:

First thing I did before taking all the plants out side to the green house (and when I bring them in for the night) its give them a drink of water. honestly about 1/8th of a cup of water unless i see it needs a bit more or less :) .. And YES!! I (with the help of 2-7 others) tote these in and out everyday until the threat of Frost EVERYnight is done! and HOPEfully (fingers double crossed) we can till this weekend.. I have a few plants ready to stretch their roots!



Patty Pan Squash:






Cabbage, Cauliflower and Broccoli:


Sunflowers and Marigolds:

I re-potted the Sweet peppers and hot peppers.. also separating them from each other..lol

I decided to remove the meshy pod cover thingy.. I wanted the roots to NOT be constricted! :)

And lastly my newest additions.. I need MAJOR fingers crossed on this.. trying something new... holding my breath... ok on with it..


From seed...Yikes!!! (seeds from my favorite corn fields in Indiana, from their garlic bed!)

And to think this is still ONLY the beginning! we still have about 75 more weeks to go!! Wheew, hang in there with me!

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Hope your spring is kicking off well!

<3  T
Simply Always, Tina

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