Friday, April 24, 2015

Garden 2015: Week 4

Garden Week 4:

Well, by the time I finish and post this wonderful post.. it will be Week 5! Yes, OMG has it been one of THOSE weeks. the kind where you sit down to write and the phone rings, of a text comes in where you have to actually get up and do something and before you know it its 2 hours later and all you have is 1 picture on the post! lol yup that kind of week! Since Monday! However, I did take a small mommication to the casino! and I didn't take a big loss! only lost $17 total! Yay me!! Second time to a casino!

SO anyways, before Week 4 turned 4 we had a loss... we attempted to leave the plants outside one night, not the tomatoes and peppers. We lost almost all the pumpkins and squash and lost ALL zucchini that had been started.. it was time to execute and replant!

I rescued the 4 plants that survived and composted the rest.. and started more..

Here are a few more pictures taken BEFORE week 4, call it an obsession! lol

I even started a few flowers this past week too!

Now.. Week 4:

Cucumbers and Patty Pan Squash above...

Tomatoes above...

Cauliflower and Broccoli above...

Onions above...

Sweet peppers/hot peppers and the surviving squash and pumpkin :)...

Pumpkin reseed above...

Zucchini reseed above...

Patty Pan reseed above..

I did not post the pics of the cabbage.. they some how didn't make it into my pictures, neither did the Indiana broccoli.. hmmm distracted much?! no way not me :)

I hope you enjoyed week 4's pictures
 Here are the previous weeks in case you missed out!

Almost Week 1
Week 1
Week 3

Follow along for more weekly updates!

Also, follow me on twitter at @PinnedNTried to see whats cooking on a more daily bases!

<3  T
Simply Always, Tina

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