Sunday, March 29, 2015

Garden 2015: Week almost 1

On March 23, 2015 I had planted pretty much what was going to be the rest of my families 2015 garden! Some of the seed are direct sow but the ones that were not.. I put in dirt. The potatoes are the only seeds not in my hands.. BUT have been shipped! Super exciting! In the mean time check out the progress in such short time (plus I have more I haven't uploaded from my camera yet!)

Thursday, March 26th, 2015:

Much to my surprise, and maybe due to my over I can't blame myself I am super excited about gardening. Either way that morning when I peaked through the clear lid I could see where a few, maybe 2 broccoli seeds had sprouted. I could not resist the temptation to open the lid and snap some pictures. More then anything the excitement!! This was happening.. I am going to succeed with this garden. I am super paranoid.. This is my first year doing it from start to finish. The planning, the plotting, seeding to weeding, harvesting and all the care that comes along with it. Of course I will never say NO to extra help from anyone who is willing to lend a hand or some advice!

Cheers to the beginning of what I hope to be a great garden!

Broccoli Sprouts ^

A sweet little cabbage sprout ^

Broccoli again.. Just amazed at how quick they are poking through the soil!

Even my hibiscus are feeling spring and budding like crazy!

Our onions (which its time to clip again, ALREADY)


Friday March 27th 2015:

Just smiling from ear to ear! that the only way to describe how it felt when I check our "garden" this morning! I know I am silly at times, and maybe that is what keeps me sane.. either way I think I should name this years garden.. some thing like "Alpha Garden".. silly right?!?! Yeah I will stick with Garden 2015.. unless another name comes along.. hahahaha

My little gift of life:

It is seriously amazing how nature grows and matures in just a short period of time! From here on out I will do my best to contain my excitement and go with weekly updates. Lets agree to update Mondays.. I will take all the pictures I want and share them with you every Monday! You don't want to miss an update (and I don't want to miss telling the story) cause its going to be an exciting year!

Gardening.. Stay tuned...

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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