Wednesday, March 25, 2015

48 Hours later

With the help of some others, I choose to leave a social media site temporarily. Let me tell Ya, I thought I was doing good before!! No WAY! With the lessened pressure of checking on the world around me, I got quite a bit done! I finished 2 blogs yesterday, ordered my transcripts from places to place and FINALLY wrote a scholarship essay! On top of lunch, dinner, 3 loads of laundry, therapy appointments, visiting with a friends.. And honestly I felt I STILL had time to get more done! It's amazing! Lol

Oh SURPIRSE! I am going back to school! I know.. WHAT?!?! How can I?.. Ya know, with the house, the husband, the 6 kids, the garden... The list goes on and on.. Well, here's my answer.. In order to achieve the things you so want in life you HAVE to take steps in that direction. The perfect time?! That doesn't exists! Ever! That why NOW is the right time. I have put off nursing school for, safely speaking, 12 years or more! I always felt my children needed me NOW and that was more important. Now the youngest ones are in school full time, it's time to put my big girl pants on and finish before my oldest graduates high school! So the count down begins! First step... Testing, summer courses and fall courses.. Then fingers crossed I am accepted into the 2016 nursing program and once that happens.. Fingers crossed, again, I graduate May 2017! 

More posts are coming, as I have a ton to share... It's Sapping Season here at Nordlund Mannor! This is the time of year our whole crew helps out our neighbor in his process of making Mayple Syrup! We wait all winter for this time of year! Can't wait to share our adventure...

Stay Tuned!

❤️ T

Simply Always, Tina

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