Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sapping Season has arrived!

This year will make the 3rd year I have helped with the tapping to sapping to syrup process... OK 2nd year. The first year we lived here, Northern MN, I really hung back at the Manor to get more of a feel of how different life had become (being from the south moving WAY north). This year we started a our season earlier then the last. ( my wonderful SIL, she keeps all those stats. And she has told me, I Last year I went along with the process, not only to help out and be an active member to our family, but to take pictures.. and blog about the experience! This year.. same deal! Although, my husband's Uncle has been so awesome to take pictures as well! I love the extra help in documenting the whole process!

My Day 1:
3/12/2015 (Happy Birthday Aidan and belated (by 1 day) Jeremy!)

(Their day 2. Day 1 for the others included putting out about 75 taps!)

We met up at our meeting place about 10 am. There were 4 of us total and our goal was to clear a new trail! With our mission in place and a plan made we headed off into the woods!

Of course where the next trail was needing attention.. right by the river!! The Mississippi river, we were standing on the thick frozen overflow water from the river. At this point I guess I can say I walked on water, right?! lol Don't let the ice fool you, this day turned out to be perfect! Warm enough to be down to sweatshirts!

Evelyn and Aaron had previously marked off the trail and to how they wanted it done. Alan and I were there to help with labor.

While Alan provided the pressure on the small tree, Evelyn cut it down as close to the roots as she could. Once, down the tree is then cut up in to 4-5 foot pieces to be used later when its time to boil!

with in 2 hours or so we had our trail cleared and cleaned up. So we decided to go and check on some of the buckets down closer to the river. Truly a gorgeous day to be out and about.. Even our dogs and other animals in nature thought so as well! Just look...

Meet Freya, a cute fluffy girl! Yes! just beyond the grassy spot is the actual flowing Mississippi River!

Meet my crazy, Macy! She is part Husky and part German Sheppard.. needless to say, regardless of age, she will ALWAYS be a puppy in snow and ice! lol Having a great time rollin' around!

And Jack, Jack-Jack, Jackson... the oh so adorable but not so bright Dachshund! He is just SOOOOOOO cute!! (he does have 4 legs.. the ice is just cold!)

Not to mention the fresh air and the warm sunshine that brought a resident momma out for a visit:

A little hard work, some beautiful nature.. and this day we brought to an end. Well, I had to! I had a Reese's Cake to make!

Stay Tuned... there is more sapping, boiling and syrup to be had/made!

<3 T

Simply Always, Tina

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