Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Another Reese's Cake

I call this "Another" Reese's cake.. Well cause how many variations have YOU see?! Seriously this was the most simple thing to make ever! But the looks.. Amazing! Like always when I get an idea in my head I go straight to Pinterest to see what others have done. After about a day of research and drooling ALL over the place at all the yummy Reese's ideas out there.. It was time to buy. This time I did not go all home made (next time I totally wil!) because this was new and I didn't want to worry with making the perfect cake batter and a perfect cake.. Pfffft!!! So I bought a box of chocolate cake, 1 container of chocolate frosting and 1 cream cheese frosting (I wanted peanut butter.. Well beggars can be choosers, right?!), 16 regular size Reese's cups and a big bag of mini Reese's cups! Trust me on the big bag.. Your gonna snack on it too!

The next step I took was to grease my 2 round cake pans and I even went the extra step and cut and placed parchment paper in the bottom to prevent the cake from sticking, well cause I knew what was about to happen inside that pan.. And I wasn't going to risk a broken cake! ;)

So, I made the cake from the box substituting the oil with butter and water with milk. The placing just enough batter in the bottom of my pan to start the creating:

Next, is to obviously remove Theresa of the wrapper and place the Reese's in the pan like so...

Next, take the rest of your batter and seperate it evenly (as evenly as you can) between the two pans. Make sure you completely cover the Reese's! 

Bake in the oven just as the box instruction tell you to!

Now, I allowed mine to cool on the stove top (kitchen window was open, since it was a nice "spring" like northern , MN day.. Aka 40 degrees) for about 15-20 minutes then removing them to a wire rack until completely cool to the touch.

Next the construction.. Which of course I. The moment of it, well I am just not thinking... Hmmmm, I should really take a picture of this.. Nope I just wanted to build and decorate! I took one layer and placed it on my platter. I used cream cheese frosting (again wishing it was peanut butter) to coat thickly the top of the bottom layer of cake. Then placing the top layer on top. Next, I took the chocolates frosting and went all around the out side of the cake.. Being careful not to get it on the top. I then took the cream cheese frosting and coated the top of the cake with the cream cheese frosting.. Making pretty swirls with a flat knife. I unwrapped the mini Reese's and made a nice ring all along the boarder of the cream cheese and chocolate frosting! Then placing 6 mini Reese's in the center. I then took some of the chocolate frosting and put it in a zip lock baggie, with a decorative tip pipped some chocolate in the center. The final touch I cut up, yes cut with a knife, about 6-8 mini Reese's and sprinkled around the top! And this is what I got!

And then my handsome birthday boys got to dive into this awesome cake!!

Happy 9th birthday Aidan! And Happiest Birthday to my best friend for life, my husband, Jeremy!
3/11 and 3/12! My pieces! 

Here is what I was able to snap of the cent or the cake and a slice.. Before the whole thing disappeared! Lol

Please enjoy!!! 

Go have fun with your own creativity! What would you do differently?!

❤️ T

Simply Always, Tina

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