Saturday, March 28, 2015

Northern MN Ice Shelves

So not only am I mom to several kids, blogger, gardener, baker, chef.. you name it.. well we are adventurers as well.. meaning we take risks. One of the things I have wanted to do, this making it the 3rd spring, is to take pictures of the ice shelves that form off the Mississippi as the snow melts and the water levels drop. My honey, today, took me down on the four wheeler. He said "you have to be a little bit adventurous".. apparently he forgot who he married! Bring it! Don't get me wrong the mighty Miss is just that mighty and I surely didn't want to fall in to it.. but... to get the shot you have to take a a risk.. and we did.. and it was GORGEOUS!!

With out further delay... the pictures of the ice shelves!

I am so lucky to have a best friend and partner in my husband that is willing to take adventures with me just because I want to take pictures of something! He truly is awesome! I hope you en joy the beauty I (we) saw in the ice shelves!

<3 T
Simply Always, Tina

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