Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sapping: Pan #1 for the 2015 year

I left off on Day 4. Well, then next few days there wasn't much to report. Then on about day 7-10 enough sap had been collected to light the first fire of the season under the first pan of the season! Over those three days people got together and collected the sap carrying it up hills, through the woods.. four wheelers got stuck.. it was a mess! However its an adventure that the end result pays off...

Friday evening March 20, 2015 the fire was lit for the first time this year! Jake and Evelyn started the fire and loved it and made sure it was going before joining the rest of the family for some pizza and swimming. This has become a Friday evening tradition when all of us get together!

Saturday, after the pan fire was stoked up we all met in to cut more firewood. This time it was with the cousins, Aunt Jo and Uncle S.

Evelyn loading the fire..

While we were busy cutting and loading more fire wood in the woods a few of the girl little cousins found this unique log. When cut in half the center was a heart... NOT a circle!!

Once we all put in a few hours of labor, and Aunt Jo and I ran to town for lunch supplies, we gathered back at the manor for lunch. Now, throughout the day we (mostly, Evelyn I believe and Uncle had to go down and stoke the fire and stir the sap, removing the foamy crud from the top..

Evelyn manned this pan mostly, keeping us apprised as to when we needed to be present to help with which part. Which is nice for someone like me that, at times, has no clue what my name is!

Sunday arrived and our extended family was a part of this process as much as they could be before heading back home..

I am not entirely sure the camera even caught the true beauty of the color change when the sap has boiled down and turn a deep rich brown color!!

It was definitely a bit cooler this morning as we are all bundled up like its winter! Brrrr... This was Aunt Jo, Evelyn, Me and my son TJ! We had walked from the manor to the sugar shack to say goodbyes.

A few hours later we got the text from Evelyn.. It was time to be ready to pull the pan. YES you have to be ready, to be ready.. its that quick!

The steam was definitely rollin' when we arrived! I couldn't take a bunch of pictures at this point.. well cause, it was all hands on board. Stirring and getting ready to take the huge pan off the fire. Stirring is a very important part as it keeps the almost syrup for scorching in areas!

This is the super SUPER hot pan just after the almost syrup has been drained into dairy creamers...

I truly wish you could smell what I smelled as the almost syrup poured into these containers! It was a buttery sweet smell... almost like you could taste in poured, warm, right over your pancakes! Heaven.. it smelt like heaven!

Time called at 2 pm ( I believe, but I am not the record keeper) Sunday March 22, 2015!

Early at that! still plenty of season left.. sooooo stay tuned for more fun and grand totals!

Simply Always, Tina

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