Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sapping: Firewood

When the trees are still quiet there are still plenty of things to do. Gathering all the "buckets" aka milk jugs, cutting and collecting firewood to use under the sap pan to boil it to syrup, checking trails and buckets. But there is something to power in numbers. The more trusty hands you have to help out the more fun it can be for all. So this year, so far we have had up to 15 people helping out, age range from 70+ to 8 years old. Let's pick back up where I let off..

Day 2 (technically Day 3):

Friday, meeting normal time.. same meeting place. Except I had running around to do before I could play in the woods. SO off they went, With Uncle S taking pictures that he later shared with me to share with all of you!


Ev here, uses a drill to create a hole in the side of the tree large enough for the tap to be placed in and deep enough to reach the sap, so it pour out the "spigot" in to the bucket.

The tap is placed in the drilled hole. A bucket or milk jug will be hung on the hook of the tap with the spout directly over the mouth of the jug.

This should give you some idea as to how many milk jug we may use.. we may need more, but only the sap gods know that

While Day 3 was spent putting out, I believe, the rest of the taps.. The next day we had already plan to meet up and the usual time usual place.. This time I brought a few others with me to help out.. Power in numbers!!

Day 4, yes the actual day 4 not the made up day in my

We all gathered at the "Sugar Shack" and planned out our day. It was decided we would gather firewood.. Its so much more then just picking a tree and dropping it, then cutting it up and moving it. Its about the smiles on the faces when chainsaws are going, watching the little boys see who can be the strongest by how big of a log they can carry.. its the dogs that are there under you feet. It's the silly competitions just to say you did it! If you told my kids that cutting firewood was fun they would roll their eyes, moan and complain cause the have to get up off the couch! Boo! Well, you be the judge.. Day 4:

Jake manned the tractor with trailer attached for us to pile all the cut wood into.

We started with a pre-cut pile of wood first that wasn't too far from the shack. We then search the area close by the shack for any standing dead trees. A few were found and the real fun got started:

My handsome honey, sharpening the chain

Here comes the second saw..

Another handsome man in my life, Tripp my oldest waiting to start chopping.

It really is something watching and listening to the power of two chainsaw running right with each other. If only you could hear their smiles!

Two chainsaws and an

Make that 2 jolly axemen! Mr. A, the man.. the one who started this and who has graciously taught us all!

Look at that face! shear concentration.. or strength! lol love this kiddo!

There was even time for a selfie!!!

HA! Betcha thought it would be me! Nope! Uncle S, Tristan and Tripp.. with my little Aidan in the back ground!

Aidan manning the tractor for Uncle Jake!

It's nice not being the only one taking pictures! Every now and then I appear in one! See I help out too.. :)

At the end of the day I believe we cut and stacked 3 cords of wood for the syrup season!

Next step.. collecting enough sap to fill the pan!

Stay tuned for more in our tapping, sapping, syrup adventure!!

<3  T

Simply Always, Tina

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