Thursday, December 13, 2012

Butter Cookies... with flare

Finally.. my oven got some well needed sugar baking!!! I went on the hunt for my butter cookie recipe, and sadly could not find it. However I put my boys to work in finding another recipe. Tripp found one in an older cookbook "Southern Living, The Southern Hospitality Cookbook. I love going through older books my mother past down to me and recreating a classic!

Of course I did put my own twist into these cookies, where the original recipe called for rum extract I used Almond Extract. I didn't have rum extract on hand. None the less they tasted amazing. I even got into topping them with different flavors! So this blog will be more pictures then anything!

The Batter...
This did come out not as thick as I am used too, but with the help of my trusty spoons I was still able to form them some...

Dough Balls!!!

Uh huh.... Tasty, right?!?! Trust me it was all I could do to keep the Jeremy out of the raw dough balls!! Now for the final treat the baked cookies!!


 plain sprinkles

Peanut butter and chocolate chips

Allspice, chocolate sprinkle and cinnamon chips
Peanut butter and chocolate chips

YES!! They taste just as good as they look!

The Original Recipe:
"The Southern Hospitality Cookbook", Page 82

Yummy Butter Cookie

1 cup butter, softened
1 sup sugar
1 large egg, well beaten
1 teaspoon rum or rum flavoring
2 cups sifted all purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon salt

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, using an electric mixer on medium speed or by hand. Add beaten egg and rum. Beat well. Combine flour and salt and add to creamed mixture, mixing well. Place mixture in a large bowl, cover and refrigerate over night. Drop cookies from an iced-tea spoon onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown around the edges. Yield: about 5 dozen cookies.

Now, as if you don't want to already.. GO BAKE already!! Until the next recipe...

<3 T


  1. ok, just made a couple batches of banana bread and then made the dough for these cookies. in the baking mood tonight i guess. so tomorrow, cookie time! (we never made christmas cookies, so "new years" cookies i guess!) now, to go check out the snickerdoodle bread...hope i have all that i need!

  2. ok, made these cookies, they didnt last very long. one little addition i made to some of the cookies (and ill be doing it again today)is i sprinkled sea salt on a few of them...dip it in milk and OMG, it is soooooo good. dry, need milk to make the salt pop out. so today, more of these cookies and the snickerdoodle bread. although, you said to use cinnamon chips? i cant find those so i am using butterscotch chips. cant wait for you to start posting again!
