Monday, December 17, 2012

Candy Cane Fudge

I was extremely inspired by the first 2 batches of fudge I made that I wanted to do it again... but go  BIGGER.. BOLDER... more out there!! Well.. they make a vanilla almond bark, I could cut that into pieces and in some Hershey's Candy Cane Kisses melt it down with remaining fudge supplies and top it with a actual candy cane pieces. Sounds good huh?!?!

Chopping up the Hershey Candy Cane Kisses

And vanilla almond bark....

Melt together (with other ingredients from CPB Fudge)....

Pour into lined pan and top with candy cane pieces and chill in the fridge..Well after more then 24 hours in the fridge, sadly the fudge is still soft. But taste fantastic . guess I will make truffles out of this too! :) I will add on to this post after I make the truffle.. probably this week!

Until then.. go bake already!

<3  T

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