Saturday, December 15, 2012

Venison Jerky

This is the second year in a row I have been involved with making jerky with the love of my life, Jeremy.  Last year (pre-blog) Jeremy did the majority of the process. ok well maybe he did all of the process as where I did do my part.. test taster!! Yes.. Please I will take that job any day!!

So this year Jeremy let me in on the how to's of making a marinate for jerky. He gave me the basic guidelines and I did it all.. this year he is the taste tester!!!

To start with Jer advised me to use half a bottle of Steve's hot sauce, 1 beer (only had bud light) and 1 bottle of Allegro Hot&Spicy marinate. Now before I mixed all the wet together I pre-seasoned the venison with about a tablespoon of each: salt, pepper, garlic and Italian seasonings.

Now keep in mind I had no clue what I was really doing.. Knowing that the meat should soak over night I took it upon myself to stir the meat in the marinate about every 2-4 hours. I did this til bed time of course.. I wasn't losing sleep over it :). 24 hours later I began the dehydrating process..

Wow... the smell of yummy goodness just filled the house. I was fun not eating everything insight as I tried very hard to rotate the trays every 2 hours! And even went as far as to lightly sprinkle salt over the topside and with the first tray rotation I also flipped each piece of meat over and lightly salted the back.. then rotated and removed jerky with each rotation... but all the hard work paid off (and one slightly melted tray) we had made some pretty darn good stuff!!

Now that is a beautiful thing!! More jerky marinates for both Venison and Beef coming! 5 hope you are able to try this fantastic marinate out for you self. Jer says this was sweet and sour mix. Tasted a bit of honey but with a bite. Now that is what I am talking about!!

We also did a batch of this same marinate with beef jerky.. EVEN better!! If you don"t cook this no worries.. Just cook.. experiment and find your own wonderful creation!

< T

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