Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Homemade Chips

Sometimes when I am throwing together a meal, start out with one item and let the rest just kinda fall into place. Last night was one of these times.. All I had in mind was BBQ Pulled Beef, but now had to figure out what to have with it. The wheels started turning and the steam was coming out of my ears (hard work, that thinking thing! Whew!)and I decided to try making chips.. I had some potatoes and an empty oven!

I cut the potatoes as thin as I could by hand of course, first thing that could be improved.. maybe purchasing a mandolin in my future?!?! Who knows. I took vegetable oil and spread it around the sheet pan and placed the "chips" on the sheet and place them into a 350 degree oven starting with 12 minutes to get the hot.

I then flipped each chip and sprinkled with a touch of salt, placed them back in the oven for about 10-15 minutes (carefully watching to make sure the weren't browning to fast. I continued flipping and watching until each chip felt like a chip. giving us this:

Now I will say these did turn out good and the family ate every single chip, but.... cause I hand sliced them they were not evenly cut, so one chip might be thicker on one side and thinner on the other. And I do think the temp of the oven should have been lower maybe between 275-300 degrees. I think with the lower temp it would take longer but dry out better so even the thicker pieces get crispy.. who knows!?!?! but that's the fun of cooking.. trial and error!!

The final dish!! The chips were a very good addition to the already fabulous BBQ Pulled Beef! There is no original recipe for this one.. it came straight out of my mind.. crazy, I know :)

Now, that's enough reading.. go be creative! Cook, Bake or Boil.. just get your creative juices flowing!!

<3  T

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