Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Marsh-hollow Cinnamon Crescent Rolls

I have seen this recipe all over Pinterest. So, I thought it would be fun to actually try it out for the kids!! Super simple no "recipe" to follow. You just need jumbo marshmallows, crescent rolls and cinnamon.

Sprinkle the crescent rolls with cinnamon...

Place a jumbo marshmallow in the center and roll it up...

I lined my baking sheet with parchment paper, then placed the rolled up gooey goodness on the paper..

And this is what you end up with sweet and cinnamon-y hallow rolls!! They loved them.. Even bought enough to make it again next weekend! 

Try it out for your family and see what they think about the taste.. and the awesome experiment of the marshmallow disappearing, yet leaving an empty space! Simply awesome!!

Now go bake something!
<3  T

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